“You’ve Been a Bad, Baaaaad Boy, Jaycee.”

That’s it. It only lasted a little over 24 hours. By end of day yesterday, I lost that little power over women that Minx gave me on Sunday. At least, I made the most of it.

To wit:

  • I aroused stuffy Mrs DeWitt at the office, while she was making a marketing presentation to her boss. No climax, though. She couldn’t get to the bathroom fast enough once her presentation was done.
  • I gave Melissa several additional orgasms during the day, every time Craig passed by. By now, she probably thinks she’s got a sexual fantasy about him. Maybe I helped them make a connection…
  • On the bus, I gave this busty girl an orgasm every time someone ran the little bell to get off at the next stop. (They got off, so did she!)
  • I went in the hospital at the end of the day. Meandering through the corridors, I made some nurses (and their patients) very, very happy.
  • And finally, last night, I went to that strip place where Roseanne works. It wasn’t long before they gave ALL the customers the best show they’d ever seen. (Sad, Brooke wasn’t there.)

So this morning, while I was having breakfast, guess who buzzed by to annoy me? Yup, Minx.

“I don’t get why you’d wish for women to leave you alone. Please explain?”

“Well… I didn’t think you’d actually do THAT. I thought you’d stick to the first part, where I’d arouse them and give them orgasms.”

“Oh. And… did you?”

I grinned like an idiot, recalling yesterday. “Oh yeah…”

“Like… you did it a lot?”

“Oh yeah.”

“And…” she continued. “Would you say that qualifies as very perverse behavior?”

I looked at her, raising an eyebrow. “Well… some people might think that, yeah.”

She clapped her hands, screamed “Oh, goodie!” and zipped away.

Why do I have a bad feeling about this?


3 thoughts on ““You’ve Been a Bad, Baaaaad Boy, Jaycee.”

  1. Sounds like you helped her earn points towards her next cupsize…

    On a sidenote: you -do- realize Minx is there not only to learn the trade, but also as a kind of petsitter until Attitude returns, right? ^^;

    1. Well, I’m not sure I like the term petsitter, but yes, it’s occurred to me that she might be there to keep an eye on me… But I think I’m getting the hang of it, and with a little luck, I might even be able to steer her toward being a helpful faerie instead of a malicious one.


      1. Who was it that said, “Better a thousand ranged against me, than one fool on my side”?

        This is not to say that Minx is a fool, but I’d say your frames of reference are so different that misunderstandings are going to be inevitable for a while yet.
        Also, when Attitude returns (no if about it, I’m fairly sure), and she decides you’ve been misleading Minx, you’ll have Hell to pay. You’re going to have to be excruciatingly subtle, I’d say…

        As for disliking the phrase ‘petsitter’… :-\ Unpleasant as it is, it seems appropriate, considering Attitude’s attitude towards you. From the stories you’ve told, I deduce faeries have a low opinion of humans…
        At least Atttitude hasn’t locked you up in a pound or a storage facility for old furniture or somesuch. She could have turned you into just about anything that stores easily…

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