Weird @ Work

So how have things been at work between Morgan and I, you ask? Weird, very weird.

Naturally, after what happened last Thursday, Morgan and I avoided each other all day. At first, I thought I was the one doing most of the avoiding, but it soon became clear (from the averted glances, or the seemingly accidental changes in her trajectory when I popped up nearby) that Morgan was making efforts to avoid me as well. We really didn’t talk much on Friday, except when I handed her some papers or when I answered some necessary questions.

Monday, she called in sick. It was a bit of a relief for me since I could do my job without having to worry about the awkwardness between us.

Yesterday, she showed up early. I normally do that as well, so we were the only ones there. She called me into her office.

“Have you… told anyone about what happened?”

I hesitated. “No,” I admitted, “I’m not even sure WHAT happened.”

“It’s not your fault,” she confessed. “I have… issues. Look, we can’t talk about this here, but we have to talk. Can you come to my place tomorrow night?”

I know what you’re going to say. Either “Rah rah, go for it dude!” or “Run! It’s a trap!” Face it, she’s my boss, I don’t know if I have much of a choice. I think I’d go even if I did, if only out of curiosity (and a bit of sexual hunger, I have to admit).

I’m wondering what issues she’s talking about…


5 thoughts on “Weird @ Work

  1. I bet your next story will be a wild night of sex… I won something?

  2. I’m sticking by what I said before. Don’t be timid! Had you stayed around after the situation before and discussed things then, the whole “awkwardness” you seem to be experiancing could’ve been avoided before.

    If a relationship has a chance, go for it if that’s what you want, or don’t. But make sure YOU KNOW WHAT YOU WANT before you go over there tonight and stick to that. If you don’t want a relationship, avoid having sex because obviously that only makes things difficult for you at the work place.

  3. For what it’s worth, OCH, I read your previous comments and it’s kind of the reason why I’ve accepted going (well, one of the reasons anyway). I’m also really curious about what SHE thinks has happened. For my part, I’m sure there’s faerie magic in this mix…

  4. We can now all cross our fingers that Jaycee does not take her as his girlfriend~ All the best!

  5. I foresee much lulz! XD

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