The Indiegogo Money

Those of you who contributed to the reboot of Bloomin’ Faeries! will appreciate this bit of news: I finally got the money.

Obviously, I was able to restart BF without these funds, but they couldn’t have come at a better time. The last few years have been more challenging than usual financially, and I’ve been in an unusual struggle to make ends meet. I haven’t needed money this badly in well over a decade, and it was enough to motivate to make one last push to get the money from Indiegogo.

And to be clear, none of it is IG’s fault. They held on to the money until I was able to provide the correct banking info for an international wire transfer. It’s just that getting that info was always complicated. I’d call my bank, get the info, hung up, and tried entering it. There was always a problem, some bit of data that didn’t fit what they needed. This time, I filled in the details with my bank rep on the phone, and when it didn’t work, we worked it out right away.

So long story short, a huge thank you to everyone who contributed to the campaign. Know that your efforts are a big help in my life right now.


6 thoughts on “The Indiegogo Money

  1. I’m glad it got resolved!

  2. Excellent news!

  3. Enjoy my money. I’m happier now it got where I sent it.

  4. Take that capitalism!

    Seriously, congratulations!

  5. That’s absolutely wonderful to hear!!! I’m happy to hear that you got the money that you deserve and look forward to seeing your continued presence and artwork. I’ve always thought that you draw some of the best characters online.

    1. While I’m thankful for the kind words, I can’t take credit for the beautiful art. I’m just the talentless hack who writes the comic. The credit for the great art goes to Wondollar.



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