The Countess Investigation

Two weeks ago, I obtained an audience with Countess Ylang-Ylang (not her real name, don’t get excited). I wanted to know who was messing with my pet human (if anyone). I’m happy to report that the Countess has received the plea and will dream about this for the next few weeks or so. (She has a lot of stuff to dream about, so don’t get your hopes up that there’s going to be a quick fix to this.)

In the meantime, I have (most graciously, I think) removed all my spells from Jaycee. Don’t go thinking that I did this out of the goodness of my heart — it’s just easier to spot minor, perception-affecting spells on him if I’ve made him a clean slate. This way, any new curse will really stand out, and then I can maybe find out more about it.

Now, in the meantime, I’m the one who’s without a pet to torture. I’m going to have to find someone to replace Jaycee with until there’s progress on his situation.

Maybe that Morgan woman…


9 thoughts on “The Countess Investigation

  1. hello Attitude i think morgan has had enuf done to her and if you are looking for a new pet as you put it i would gladly take his place for as long as you want i not ok but think about it thanks

  2. Considering how much fairy magic you said Morgan had piled up on her back when you looked into the cause of Jaycee’s misery I’m not sure taking her as your new pet is necessarily a great idea. Assuming she doesn’t “sexually combust” as you put it in your response to Kain’s comment on your previous post, it kind of sounds as though Morgan might already be another fairy’s pet, in which case… Ah hell, you’re just gonna do it anyway, no matter what I say. I just hope Jaycee doesn’t get caught up in the fallout from whatever you do to Morgan.

  3. Like Lunaroki said, Morgan is a bit over magicked at the moment, isn’t she? So perhaps any one of multitude of other women in Jaycee’s life? That way Jaycee, your human, still gets the fallout of your actions, while not being directly influenced.

  4. Like a parasite, you are; just hopping from one juicy morsel to the next without a care. At least use that minuscule amount of decency you may or may not have to say off of Morgan. She’s had enough done to her. If anyone, go for Brooke. I wanna hear more talk of lesbianism.

  5. At this point, with what we know, you might want to consider asking Jaycee to “play along” with Morgan’s existing conditions. If you need a spell to prove you’re involved (i.e. get the positive credit), I suggest a thought tracker. I’m not sure if you can read minds as well as you can influence them (you don’t really talk about that type of magic at all), but if you can, it’s a good way to prove involvement without being accused of tampering with another fairy’s pet.

    Also, it looks like the spell that originally evoked your ire may be planted on Morgan, with the ability to relay its effects to secondary targets. Would this be considered “tampering” with the secondary targets (in this case Jaycee)? If so, you’ll need to be cautious to avoid locking yourself in a revenge cycle (at which point I suspect the Countess would have no further motivation to resolve the matter).

    If you need an interim pincushion, and Brooke is getting boring, you’ve pretty much set up Lana as someone in need of a little direct influence. In fact, that might not be a bad idea. You could make Lana start bumping into Morgan (literally or figuratively) far more often than could be “reasonably” explained. As for what types of emotions to trigger at said meetings, I’m sure you’ll have a more thorough grasp of the options than I.

    And who knows… if you do it right, maybe that backfired threesome from Jaycee’s blog would become a reality. No better way to thwart an opponent than to turn their own plans against them.

  6. Yaba Attitude has already stated that lana was off limits in past posts i dk why she did but i vote brooke or jen but not morgon or mandy

    1. That’s too bad. And the why makes all the difference at this point. All the most beneficial solutions for Lana, Jaycee, and Attitude herself, involve (at the very least) tweaking Lana’s motivation a bit.

      There are four options:
      {1} Get Lana and Jaycee together. This works best for the two of them.
      {2} Get Lana, Jaycee, and Morgan *all* together. This works best for Attitude.
      {3} Get Jaycee and Morgan together. This works best for Morgan (and possibly for Morgan’s keeper, depending on motivation). It also requires only minimal involvement on Attitude’s part.
      {4} Do nothing. This is boring.

  7. I think I’ve figured out the mechanics behind the curses on Morgan. I may be wrong, since I’m operating with only limited information, but this would cause the events we’ve observed while keeping Morgan’s keeper clear of tampering accusations. Everything centers on Morgan, and her perceptions.

    The initial curse that locked Morgan’s sights on Jaycee. It was probably laid on her immediately before she began working in her current position. The curse was designed so that Morgan essentially chose the target of her affections based on certain observed criteria. For example, the target had to be unmarried (no ring), must be attractive to Morgan, and must subtly express a lustful interest in Morgan while simultaneously refusing to act on said interest. (Remember Jaycee’s initial reactions to Morgan.) In other words, Jaycee fit the bill due to circumstances, but the spell was supposed to connect her to another equally repressed person. Once the target was selected, it locked in. (Otherwise it would jump targets every time she met someone new who met the criteria.)

    All of the motivational curses (evoked lust, see-through clothing, etc) are targeted on Morgan, and set to trigger when she is in close proximity to the secondary target of the initial curse. Her clothes become transparent to that person. She emits pheromones to lure that person. She feels emotion when exposed to that person. Etc. The curses are all *on* Morgan, but several are designed to draw her chosen to her. (They may work both ways too; Morgan may see Jaycee nude whenever she gets near him.)

    Now there are a few indications that Morgan knows, or at least thinks she knows, who has done this to her. First, Morgan would have needed to plant the dust on Jaycee’s keyboard, since Morgan’s keeper is using ignorance of the secondary target (i.e. Jaycee) as a shield. Second, there was Morgan’s hypnotism story; remember that Jaycee used the same hypnotism line on Brooke regarding Attitude’s influence. Third, there was that phone call, when Morgan’s behavior suddenly shifted.

    1. There’s something else I noticed about the curses on Morgan that may be worth noting, particularly for Attitude, who could use similar techniques for her own endeavors. Morgan’s lust appears to be ramping up over time; it probably gets worse for her every time she fails to meet certain conditions. For example, if she does not climax to her love’s visage (i.e. while looking at or imagining Jaycee) between the time she wakes and the time she sleeps.

      The lust may also have a reset or deplete condition (something that reduces the effects temporarily, but doesn’t end the curse). While sex is the most likely method, this could be anything. (Remember that day-long sex spree between Jaycee and Morgan? That sounds like a deplete condition.)

      Attitude, if you decide to use this technique, I suggest physical (skin to skin but no more specific) contact as a condition to delay amplification. As for a deplete or reset condition, that would depend entirely on what you want to accomplish.

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