Side Story: I Dream of Patience

Overheard at the Pub (yes, the one where Baby works). Three guards (Lucky, Sam and Axel) are having a pint. They’re a bit loud, but that’s how they like it at the Pub.

LUCKY: So the other day, I was standing guard with Patience–you guys know Patience, right?

SAM: Right. Chick with the knockers, I know her. Ball buster!

AXEL: Oh yeah, her! Yeah, what ’bout her?

LUCKY: Well, you know, before I tell the story, I got to tap that, right? Did I tell you guys about this?

AXEL: Oh, only EVERY CHANCE YOU GET! Yeah, we know!

SAM: Lucky bastard. <punches Lucky in the arm>

LUCKY: That’s me! <laughs, drinks> So yeah, we were just standing guard the other night, and it was pretty boring. Gets like that, sometimes, y’know?

SAM: Don’t I know it! But I’m stuck with THIS asshole <points at AXEL>. You get Knockers.

LUCKY: Yeah, anyway, it was pretty boring, so I’m just there, with nothing to do but stare at the mountains, and my mind just, y’know, kinda drifts.

AXEL: <laughs> Oh, did it now?

LUCKY: Yeah, it did. And I start thinking, Patience, she’s a tough girl–wouldn’t it be cool if she kinda lost control a little? If, just for fun, if I thought something and it’d happen to her, and she couldn’t stop it?

SAM: Damn, man, you’re a perv!

AXEL: Shaddup, Sam! Around Knockers, everybody’s a perv.

SAM: <drinks> Yeah, true that.

AXEL: So what didja imagine? Her going down on you?

LUCKY: Oh HELL no! Wouldn’t want her to start using teeth or anything like that. No, I was just thinking… her having some fun with herself, if you catch my drift.

SAM: Oh yeah, I’ll drink to that. <drinks> Like her hands ripping that chestplate off and groping dem titties!

AXEL: Yeah, that’d be awesome. And she’d be all, “Oh no, what am I doing? This is SO embarrassing!” I dig that!

LUCKY: Yeah, except I didn’t think that, I was thinking her getting all hot and wet at first, and then her hands–just like that–would pull on her pants and rip them apart. But just at the crotch.

SAM: Oh man, that sounds pretty sexy.

LUCKY: But here’s the crazy thing. I was just looking straight ahead, minding my business, and then I heard her make a noise. And I looked, and she was doing just that!

AXEL: Ripping her pants off? Yer shittin’ me!

LUCKY: No, man, I swear!

SAM: <drinks> That’s some pretty heavy shit right there, man! You wuz probably pissing drunk…

LUCKY: You’re a fine one to talk. But no, I remember it, clear as now. She gave me a side glance, and her face was pretty red. That’s how I knew she wasn’t in control, y’know?

AXEL: No kiddin’. So what happened next? Did she frig herself? Got you to plug her sinkhole, if you catch my drift?

LUCKY: Yeah, your drift’s pretty easy to catch, man. But no, nothing like that happened. She just kept her hand between her legs for a bit, and she was whimpering a bit, and breathing heavy. But I know better than to stare at her, so I left her be. But then I got thinking…

SAM: Uh oh… That’s never good.

LUCKY: Moron! No, I just got thinking for a bit, maybe if I thought about her doing that one thing, maybe I could get her to do something else…

AXEL: Sounds logical… Whatcha think of next?

LUCKY: Well, seeing as she had one hand between her legs and was holding her spear with the other, maybe she could do something with both hands and the spear.

AXEL: Oooh, that’s getting pretty hot… So what happened?

LUCKY: I imagined her sliding the shaft of the spear between her legs and, holding it with one hand in front, one hand in back, she’d ride it back and forth like she’d be riding a man.

AXEL: Damn! She DID that? How’s that even POSSIBLE?

SAM: Don’t know, man, but that’s totally HAWT!

AXEL: Yeah, pretty hot…

Axel looks outside the window.

AXEL: S’getting pretty late. I gotta go… Need to get… something done, y’know?

SAM: <nodding> Yeah, yeah, me too… Got things to do… Things to do…

LUCKY: Don’t let me keep you, guys. A man’s gotta do what a man’s gotta do, right?

SAM: Yeah, yeah.

AXEL: Catch you tomorrow, man.

Sam and Axel leave. Lucky grabs the beers they’ve left on the table and pours what’s left in his own, mostly empty mug.

LUCKY: <shaking his head> Idiots! Like something like THAT would EVER happen.

=2) { ?>



4 thoughts on “Side Story: I Dream of Patience

  1. Ha! That was good fun, thanks!

    1. Heh. Was kinda fun to write. Glad you enjoyed it. If it’s popular enough, I might write more…

      “I’m doing it.”

  2. i like your storys in general i would love to hear more about your bf world other then the main characters and stuff like this

  3. I have to agree with noobchan; side stories about the other characters would be a ton of fun!

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