Showing Up Unannounced

I said I was going to do it, and I did. I went to Lana’s work place at lunch. It didn’t go well, for reasons that will soon become apparent.

I went there on my lunch time. When I was in sight of the cafe, I spotted Lana’s friend, Cathy. She spotted me too and immediately ran inside. Since the two are good friends, I took this as a good sign and a bad sign. Good because if Cathy had run inside, it meant that Lana was there. Bad because if Cathy FELT she had to run inside, that was because my presence there was not a good thing. (And sure, considering what happened before, I can’t blame anyone for thinking that.)

As I entered the cafe, my eyes scanned for either Lana or Cathy, but neither was in sight. I accosted another waitress, some girl I’d never seen, and asked for Lana. She pointed in the direction of the corridor to the bathrooms, where I knew there was also en employees’ room. I made a bet the two had taken refuge there. This didn’t look good, but I’d worked out the courage to make it this far, I wasn’t going to back down.

I made my way to the employees’ room and turned the door knob. Locked. I knocked.

“Lana. I know you’re in there.” In truth, I didn’t KNOW it, but it was a pretty good bet.

There was silence.

“Look, I’m NOT going away. We need to talk. If I have to spend ALL afternoon standing here, I will.”

Still no answer.

“All right, you don’t need to open the door. I’ll just talk. I know what I did was pretty bad. I was a jerk for doing it, especially on your birthday. I… I can’t explain it. It felt… like something you might be into, or something… I don’t know, it was stupid. But I want to get past this… I really care about you, and I want to make it up to you.”

There was a pause. I didn’t really know where to go with this. I’d rehearsed the speech all weekend, but it never sounded very convincing to me. I don’t think I would have bought it if someone had delivered it to me. But Lana is a different kind of girl. She believes in the best in people, not the worst. She gives second chances. She helps out when she can.

There were some whispers behind the doors, and I thought I even heard a sob. Then, a voice:

“You’re an asshole,” I heard Lana say. “A REAL asshole.”

That wasn’t her kind of language. It spoke to how bad I’d hurt her.

“You’re right,” I admitted. “And I don’t want to be one. I want to be better than that. And I CAN be better than that. Listen, it was just ONE mistake. A horrible one. But for everything else, didn’t I do okay? Better than okay, even?”

There was another silence, broken only by the determined clacking of female shoes behind me. Someone needed to go to the bathroom and was on a mission to get there. I heard some clicking from the door handle. Lana was unlocking the door. We were going to talk face to face! Progress!

But then, it went so wrong, words cannot express it.

The sound of the shoes stopped right behind me. Before I could turn around to see who it was, arms were wrapping around me from behind, and one leg was even locking itself around my thigh. I felt a tall, curvaceous body press itself against me from behind, and I immediately recognized the perfume. Morgan! As her hips pushed themselves rhythmically against my butt, she whispered in my ear, “Ooh, lover! Mmmh… Take me right here!”

In front of my horrified eyes, the door to the employees’ room opened before me. It was like a slow-motion scene from a horror movie. I reached for the handle, hoping to close it before Lana saw what was happening, but Morgan was pulling me back, clearly in lust, hoping to get some action going between us. It was hopeless.

And then the door was finally open. Lana saw us.The look on her face pierced my heart. It felt like my world was shattering, all of a sudden. I can only imagine how it was for her.

We all stayed frozen for a tiny bit of eternity. Except Morgan, who was dabbing heated kisses upon my neck while dry-humping me from behind. At least ONE of us was oblivious to this disaster.

Lana slipped past me, silent tears racing down her cheeks. Cathy made to follow her, paused, then turned to look at me. She was seething. Her hand balled into a fist and she punched me in the stomach with all her strength. Then, she turned around and fled, leaving me unable to catch my breath, in the hands of a vixen that wouldn’t take no for an answer.

“Lana, wait,” I tried to say. But I knew those words were hopeless.

22 thoughts on “Showing Up Unannounced

  1. That can only be bad, I really dont know what to say after that, and even talking to lana is going to be very difficult after that.

    One thing however is very clear, Morgan does not usually act like this, or even remotely like this, much less following you into a restaurant for this. This just strengthens my belief that you also need to talk to morgan, and talk to her fast, howsoever you can (I know its going to be real tough getting her talk if at all in the state that shes in), investigate this and try to understand and figure out what’s going on.

    On a side note, what happened with morgan after that, you said she wouldnt take a no.

  2. You know, it might be a trick by that rogue faerie. The more passionate you feel about somebody, the more attracted Morgan is to you. Still, that sucks dude.

  3. See, I’m introverted type of person. I tend to keep things inside. After an episode like the described, I’d most likely find myself overwhelmed with an urge to bludgeon Morgan repeatedly with a blunt instrument. Two things would hold me back of course. One being, I’m a pacifist in practice if not in thought. Second being, I wouldn’t do well in a prison environment.

  4. Jesus f***…

    Alright, seriously, what the hell is going on here? Something other than your usual pain-in-the-ass is f***ing with your life, and has YET REMAINED UNNAMED OR UNIDENTIFIED! If there is a faerie involved, why in Lucifer’s unholy name has it not shown itself yet!? Something is wrong here!

    …With regards to Lana, at this point, I think the cause is lost. As far as I can see, you’ve got a snowball’s chance in Hell of getting back in her good graces, short of something truly miraculous. At best… as much as this may kill you, I suggest asking Attitude for help. Best way to beat a faerie, as far as I can tell, is with another faerie.

  5. In other news I notice morgan’s name missing from the tags on the post, bitter and angry much?

  6. Have You thought that Morgan is the Fae?

  7. @Radkres Ooh. I like that theory. Sounds totally plausible. What kind of Fae, though?

  8. Winter Court, Water would be my guess from her actions.

  9. I’m with Winghunter on this. While I’m not 100% convinced it’s not Attitude’s doing, there does seem to be a pretty high probability that it’s the work of some other fairy. You really need to talk to Attitude. Beg if you have to. Find out what’s going on. If this is her vengeance for you tricking her into confessing what she did to Lana and them laughing at her, well, you’ve got some major bigtime grovelling to do to get her to undo this. If this isn’t her doing you may still owe her a major apology before she’ll even consider helping you. In any event, you have absolutely got to know what’s going on and find out how to fix it. I don’t know if anything can fix the damage that’s been done to your relationship with Lana, but before there’ll be any chance to even try the situation with Morgan has to be resolved first.

  10. ooooh, that’s got to hurt bad. big time. and I’m sorry that I find you’re predicament a bit amusing though.

    but I’m with Temp and Winghunter, ‘coz for one, didn’t Morgan said before she doesn’t go for guys like you -that are younger than her- and now she’s your personal sex stalker. what’s up with that?

    and I have a feeling it has something do to with the fairy dust found on both of your desks. but to whom those fairy dust belong to I dont have a damn clue. that’s why I’m with Winghunter for that culprit faerie to show herself! -is there a way to identify those fairydust if those are Attitude’s? like color? smell?….sparkle- intensity? anything?-

    anyway, this is my first comment and I should make this at least bit helpful to you so I’ll give you this, set up a trap and pull through with it. because let face it,

  11. do you really think Morgan is in her right mind to talk straight around you?

    and with lana, there’s a ray of hope in the end of that tunnel. It’s there, you could see it, it’s beside that boulder that is slowly closing it off if you don’t act fast and woo her again.

    *and my 2nd comment now serves as a continuation of the first*

  12. Well, let’s have a look at this situation in context. We have a successful, attractive woman, who’s used to be in a position of power, commanding the respect and obedience of a number of other people on a daily basis. Now, she runs into a guy who she’s attracted to, and who has displayed some pretty obvious attraction towards her, yet keeps spurning her advances in favor of another girl. To put it simply, i think your rejection of morgan has caused her to become insecure, and she’s reacting by doing everything she can to screw up you and Lana’s relationship so she can have you to herself. Consider that she’s your BOSS, she has access to your personal information, she knows where you live, it wouldn’t be hard for her to hire someone to put you under surveilance, or even stalk you herself. Personally, i think there’s nothing supernatural about this, it’s just a ruthless but insecure woman who’s messing with your life. Get another job, and get a TRO (Temporary Restraining Order) I mean she’s more or less admitted to you already that she has some mental issues, so it shouldn’t be hard to convince a court.

  13. If you’re going to have even a miniscule chance of getting Lana back, Morgan *has* to be removed from your life.

  14. Oh god, why would such a thing happen, even so shortly before Christmas?
    Although I must say, this reeks of strange faerie magic, try to find out about that asap!

  15. Okay, let’s look at this from another perspective. Everyone seems to think this is something between you and Morgan, but it sounds to me like somebody REALLY doesn’t want you and Lana together – meaning LANA (or your relationship with her) may be the target. I wonder if Lana had any previous relationships that blew up in really odd ways…

  16. @ mike: right after reading you’re comment, I though of the hobo who has Megan wacky camera :))

  17. Nah. That camera is spelled to cause wardrobe malfunctions, not obsessive predatory sexual behavior. Although if you’re talking about the hobo having some reason to curse Lana, I can’t imagine what that would be.

  18. Hmm…I dont really like the all the anti-morgan sentiment going on here, lets face it, she isnt really in control of what she’s doing so we should’nt be blaming her – also, she has already expressed genuine interest in jaycee and she wasnt ready to accept it as is, her doing all this makes her situation all the more worse, and pitiable.

    And regardless of everything, jaycee still digs her, he still doesnt dislike her despite everything.

  19. @Lunaroki: the latter actually and yeah I don’t have a single clue either

  20. Dragon-Punch That Harlot Out Of Your Life, Good Sir!

  21. wow. I must REALLY be crazy. cause from the way the situation was described, Morgan was clearly a butt-in that had no business being there. so why were YOU punished? They should have torn her off and sent her packing!
    humans….I really don’t understand any of you.

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