Seeing Right Through Her


Morgan is parading around the office today, wearing a thick sweater and a long skirt. That’s fine for everybody else, but *I* can see she’s not wearing any panties or any bra. I can also tell she’s getting aroused whenever she catches me glancing at her. She’s been giving me these predatory looks that just mean I’m in trouble or something.

I’m having lunch with Lana today. I’ve mentioned my boss to her in passing before, but I was never specific about her looks, nor about her advances around me. Lana’s been totally open and honest with me, I think it’s only fair I tell her about Morgan. I just hope that with all the girls in my entourage (Brooke’s still rooming at my place, Mandy’s visiting from time to time, and Jennifer’s been inviting me to game nights at her place), it won’t be the straw that breaks the camel’s back.

ADDENDUM: Morgan just left my desk moments ago. She was leaning forward, both hands on the desk, her heavy boobs dangling freely inside her sweater. Damn, she’s hot. And in heat, too. It’s as if she senses I’m getting excited about her, and her body is responding to that. Could it be that Attitude connected her arousal with mine? Damn, that would be a shitty thing to do! I LIKE Lana, dammit! I don’t need this!


7 thoughts on “Seeing Right Through Her

  1. Per the addendum and previously mentioned points…I would stop gloating to faeries that you tricked them…

  2. Yeah, seriously. In fact an apology plus begging for a little mercy might possibly improve Attitude’s attitude and maybe earn you a reprieve on this one.

    As for confessing about Morgan to Lana, deciding what to tell her and what to hold back is gonna be tricky unless you’re ready to tell Lana about fairies, in which case you’ve got one real doozy of a confession on your hands! Not to mention the chance of maybe losing her trust in you if she decides your “ridiculous” story about fairy curses is a cheap way of trying to explain away your lust for your boss. Better think long and hard on this one before you start.

  3. Sounds like you don’t really want Lana at all. Ah, the confusions of youth. I remember having this problem back in High School. When you figure out who you want, you won’t be so girly-boi skittish around another set of tits.

  4. You do realise that the blog is one of the star attractions in your comic, you need to update it more often. 🙂

    1. Y’know, I wasn’t necessarily thinking along those lines. Rather, I’ve had the impression that the blog was just something I was writing to amuse myself, and it wasn’t clear to me (from some old polls) that there were many people who cared for it.

      Glad to hear you’re not one of those peeps. 🙂


  5. I find the blogs entertaining, but I enjoy a good romcom, whether it’s got spunky faeries with a sense of humor or just some heavy ‘I like her but the other likes me and I know it and dammit what do I do’ storylining.

  6. Well, to be perfectly honest, the storyline in the comic moves far too slowly to warrant the page a visit more than once every few weeks, the medium of comic only works well if it’s in sizeable portions, standalone strips only work well in newspaper style strips, or even comics like skcd, not a comic with progressing storyline. The blog on the other hand, gets updated more regularly, has more content per post and is more engaging and relatable, probably more interactive as well when compared to the comic, which leaves many of these things desired. I could ramble on about webcomic entreneurship ideas suggesting on ways to improve the comic from my POV but I know from experience that even implementing a few of these things is a long, exhausting and consuming process. So, probably untill you dont grow larger and cant afford these changes, I’m putting my money on the blog whilst alos hoping that it’s updates get even more regular. 🙂

    Btw., I was one of the visit the website more than a day people in the polls because of the blog 🙂

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