Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring… Porno-Phone…

I’ve discovered that by turning on Jaycee’s webcam microphone I can listen to music and…other things. It helps pass the time, since the search for Morgan Reiss and/or the hobo has not progressed any. I may need to cease relying on security footage and start looking for other reporting methods.

While my progress in that field has been stymied I decided to concentrate my efforts in other realms, such as figuring out how I can get Jaycee’s attention since he does not seem aware of my posts. As many of you may have noticed the other day I had a little chat with Jaycee’s phone (wifi is a wonderful thing). I pulled the audio from one of his private videos and helped his phone hardlock the sound as his ringtone – as well as some images from a few buried folders in his computer.

It’s a selection of my favorite intimate lady pictures.

I have favorites?

Anyway, I hope that he’ll realize that only a being with intimate access to his most closely guarded data would be able to do such a thing and look a little harder for me. I’d hate to have to escalate my efforts.

But I do have a few doozy ideas…


3 thoughts on “Ring Ring Ring Ring Ring… Porno-Phone…

  1. Quit while you’re ahead, Blog. What you’re doing is not the way to attract a human’s attention to you.

  2. This is a pretty good start, Blog. But you should be prepared to escalate–considered disseminating the contents of his…well, you. When his faerie secrets start to get e-mailed to co-workers, he’ll definitely look to you for answers ;).

    Also, try using your cell phone trick to catch news on Morgan. I’m sure wherever she is, cell phone candid shots are being taken.

  3. Maybe it’s just me, but wouldn’t typing in greeting and messages while he is writing in you be something of a hint? I assume he would pay attention if words start appearing that he isn’t typing, or if words that he wasn’t trying to type appear while he is typing. Alternatively, you could see if the computer would open a writing program while he’s using the computer so you could talk in a similar way and the document window popping open for no obvious reason might at least get his attention.

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