I don’t think I’ve posted it here, but it may interest some of you to know there’s a PUBLIC Discord server where I frequently post announcements and small samples of what’s available on Patreon. I don’t always post them here just because it’s much faster and convenient to do it on Discord. If you’re interested in joining that server (at no cost and under no obligation), just click on the button below.

Hope to see you all there soon!
9 thoughts on “Public Discord Server”
The link does not work. At the top of the server, hit the drop-down button and click “Invite People”. There should be a popup that includes a “https://discord.gg/[8 characters]” link. Use that instead.
I think I’ve fixed it. It certainly seemed to work when I tested it.
Is there still a discord server?
Yes, there is. I’ve never been able to determine if anyone is able to access it, so if you’re having trouble getting to it, we can work on it together.
I get a “invite has expired” message when going to the link
looks like an invite link can be set to never expire but the default is to expire after 7 days
Try this: https://discord.gg/2WrekcjxNV
Link worked!