3 thoughts on “[POLL] Marie and the Mirror T-Shirt

  1. Noone comment, but cmon, who would wear such a t shirt in public? It’s like “EHY GUYS IM A PRO FAPPER HERE!”

    (PS: Why is the sexy one OUTSIDE the mirror? Shouldn’t be the other side?)

  2. I’ve had similar concerns in the beginning, but decided to go ahead anyway. Here’s why.

    Sex is a beautiful thing. It’s also a very natural thing, whether solo or with partner(s). Everybody has sex. Everybody fantasizes about sex (women too!). Every species’ survival predicates on sexual activity. Sex is normal, not taboo. It’s somewhat silly to have made it that way in the first place.

    Everybody faps. Everybody’s done it at least once in their lives. Only a tiny fraction of people haven’t, and that’s indicative of an unhealthy sexuality. So maybe wearing the t-shirt is a way of saying “enough!” to those who would impose a shameful taboo on sexuality.

    Also, a lot of rock t-shirts have featured way sexier imagery, without heir wearers being stigmatized as “fappers.” Same goes for the hip hop culture. And even if they were stigmatized, I’d say good on them.

    As for the Maries being inverted, I prefer this concept. The original idea was what you suggested, but after discussing it, Wondollar and I felt this was stronger. Instead of having a sexy form trapped inside a chubbier exterior, we liked the idea of even the sexiest people having a Marie inside them. But your mileage may vary. 🙂


  3. You might want to consider switching the images so that the thin Marie is in the mirror. Seems to make the most sense that way to me.

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