Not That Your Opinion Matters…

…but I have nothing to do with Jaycee’s misery.

It IS a sight to behold, and whoever did this to him must have gone up one full cup size. Even by MY standards, that is brilliantly cruel. I’m really impressed. The author of this scenario is good. Really good. It’s someone I want to meet.

I’ve done a bit of research, but I haven’t been very successful so far. I’ve visited that woman’s apartment and it’s obvious there’s been faerie activity there, but it doesn’t lead anywhere. I’ve examined her, and WOW! She’s glowing like one of your Christmas trees! She’s clearly one UPTIGHT chick (probably from a lifetime of religiously repressed sexual urges). I hate that kind: a body built for sex (a wonderful gift of nature) and she treats it like a curse. So I couldn’t resist and added a teeny-weensy curse on her: every time she sees her image in the mirror, she’s going to be sexually attracted to her own image. Harmless, really! I know we faeries aren’t supposed to mess around with humans belonging to other faeries,  but whoever did this to her has been messing with MY human, so this is only fair.

I have made an appointment with the Countess two days hence and plan on logding a request for a formal inquiry into this matter.


8 thoughts on “Not That Your Opinion Matters…

  1. Attitude, as you said, he is YOUR human, would it perhaps be an idea for you to reverse whatever the other faerie has done? Isn’t her interference with Jaycee a direct insult to you? I’m positive that someone as devious as yourself could come up with a more in depth response, but my humble suggestion, if I may, would be to: 1) Make Lana desperately want to be with Jaycee again, shouldn’t losing one of the best relationships he has cultivated be your domain, not hers? and 2) Perhaps make Morgan desire all of her coworkers, but the more that her intimate partner of the moment is turned on, the less Morgan is able to enjoy the moment. Just my humble suggestions on how to remind the other faerie just who’s human they made the mistake of messing with.

    1. No, it’s not an insult, it’s an invasion of my territory. The response to that is different, and does not involve that Lana girl. Besides, she’s like a cute, harmless little squirrel–nobody wants to hurt a squirrel, right? The nipple-swap thing, that was harmless. Messing with her heart? Can’t bring myself to do that.

      As for Jaycee’s boss, I’m afraid if anyone adds anything to her, she’s going to sexually combust!

      So thanks for the suggestions, but I’ll let the Countess handle this…


      1. How selfless of you. NOT.

  2. Ah, the little pain-in-the-ass makes herself heard. Hello, Attitude. Displeased to make your acquaintance.

    Huh. Vain-lust… All’s fair, it seems. Not much of a stab, to be honest, but neither is clothes-level x-ray vision in retrospect. Let’s see how this plays out.

    1. Winghunter, you flatterer! Of COURSE there was more to the transparent clothes than you know! What you don’t know is that I enchanted Jaycee’s clothes so that they would appear transparent to that Morgan woman. So I didn’t technically curse HER, but it’s just as good. As a result, these two have been staring at each other’s naked bodies, without knowing the other was doing the same thing…


  3. oh that’s evil Attitude, that’s cruel, and the irony made me laugh

  4. Well well well….. this makes things interesting! Two fairies screwing around (if you’ll pardon the pun) with a single person? I can’t imagine why there might be regulations and such regarding this kind of thing happening. Of course, I highly doubt that there are any such thing as fairy forms and paperwork. No one likes having to deal with income tax forms or acquisitions of increased bra sizes (do some fairies even WEAR bras?)

    But if this “countess” character finds that both fairies are in the right, then what happens then? methinks that there be trouble on the horizon if that be the case. Woe betide the man, woman or humanoid thingamajigger (no offense intended to any of the magical entities that could be reading this!) that comes under the gaze of these two fairies! If it were up to me, I’d call for a fairy duel! While I imagine a fairy duel would be highly interesting and somewhat enjoyable experience, it could also be something akin to a bacchanalian celebration, but best enjoyed from several miles away and with a telescopic camera lens. Of course, calling a fairy duel bacchanalian would probably be like calling what happened to Hiroshima, “just a firecracker.”

    Still, it couldn’t get too bad when getting the fairy authorities involved could it? I mean, having the fairy police couldn’t cause any more problems than the ones currently going on right? right?

    …. Suddenly I fear for Jaycee’s safety. In the immortal words of monty python – “RUN AWAY!”

  5. wow, reminds me of when I had to deal with Elves on a day to day basis.
    you mention it can’t be that bad getting authorities involved, but let me say that once I was asked by some elves in Texas to look into a group trying to make an Elven support group at the college I was attending. The person freaked out when I met her, she let her webpage go to a squatter, (which became porn for a time) and she quickly disavowed all knowledge of what she had tried. The student newspaper article about it disappeared from the archives, and the only ‘proof’ that it really happened is a copy of the flier I grabbed when it happened, which I still have. So I guess redaction is the worst that could happen.

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