No More Funcam

Not sure if there’s anything to worry about, but it looks like Meghan has misplaced her cursed camera. I’ve tried questioning (prudently!) Attitude about this, but she just laughs and flutters away.

You think I have something to worry about?


2 thoughts on “No More Funcam

  1. Hi! I’ve been following your comic lately. Love it, by the way! As for the cursed camera, my personal feeling is it will indeed show up again sooner or later, probably when and where you least expect it to. As to whether you have something to worry about, I figure the only good worrying about it will do is to maybe keep Attitude a little better entertained, which could be worthwhile if it keeps her from deciding to /give/ you something to worry about!

    1. Hi Luna, welcome to these pages. Glad you enjoy the strip, too. Yeah, I’m pretty sure Attitude has put the camera in the wrong hands. I imagine it won’t be long before I found out whose. Y’know, it’s a sad state of affairs when you NEED drama in your life to prevent WORSE drama from occurring. But I reckon, as you say, best to go with the lesser of two evils, right 😛

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