My New Ringtone?!?

All right, let the smart aleck who hacked my phone stand up and claim the prank. For some reason, my iPhone’s ringtone has been permanently set to the soundtrack of some LOUD porn actress having frantic sex with what sounds like a pair of grunting gorillas. Try as I might, I can neither restore the ringtone to what it was, nor can I turn the volume down!

And adding insult to injury, the lock screen is rotating between different images from my private collection of girl images. Not cool, guys, not cool! Sure, you may think that because I’m living a somewhat solitary lifestyle these days, it’s not a problem, but I DO go to work. Now I have to leave my phone at home because it caused a ruckus at the office last time Mandy called me.

So please, someone fix this!


5 thoughts on “My New Ringtone?!?

  1. While it’s easy to point to anything that goes wrong in your life and say “A fairy did it!” that is a very real possibility which can’t be entirely discounted. Would be interesting to hear from Attitude to find out just how tricky it is mixing magic with tech.

    That said, it still could be a human who did this. I’ve never owned a cell phone, so I have no idea how that sort of thing even works, but it does indeed sound like someone with elite cell phone hacking skills might be able to manage.

    Perhaps you should try asking your Blog if it knows anything. You might not have noticed but your Blog seems to have developed a mind of its own recently. It’s good at communicating with other electronic devices and might be able to shed some light on what’s going on with your cell phone. Who knows? Maybe the cell phone itself is playing this prank on you.

  2. theres an option in itunes and on the phone itself that makes it go back to factory settings, so doing that SHOULD reset ring tones and wall papers give that a crack

  3. Are you for real? sheesh.
    Asscracks everywhere today.
    But I’d use the jingle from Mass Effect (AHN AHN AHN! oh sorry, that was supposed to go into my earpiece) as a ringtone – IF i could find it AND it would support MP3 ringtones in the first place.

  4. i bearly know how to use my iphone… do you have a to jail break the phone to put on custom ring tones?

  5. hmmm…. Well, it would require a virus to get on to your Iphone to do this methinks. however that would mean that it was targeted directly and with purpose, assuming this isn’t fairy magic doing this.

    I’d either start looking at your friends (and who else could have access to your phone) or try getting a virus scan onto your computer. Just put it into your computer and fire that blasted bug away!

    keep in mind though, that im no techie. if anything, my normal solution is to hit something with a brick until it starts working again.

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