My Good Deed Yesterday…

Since yesterday was the day of the year where I HAVE to be good, I decided to lift all curses I’ve put on Mandy over the last few years. There were more than a few:

  • Bigger breasts and, in general, a killer body
  • Sex parts that gets aroused at the first hint of flirting
  • The inability to sleep with the same man twice in a row
  • “Magnetic” boobs (attracted to other big boobs)
  • “Amen” keyword that causes orgasms

She’s earned all of these things through repeated bad behavior, but I think, now, she’s learned quite a bit about herself. I’m curious to see how she’ll behave if she goes back to being a “clean slate,” so to speak. Will she confess to these things she did, or will she keep up the lies?

Time will tell. Stay tuned…


8 thoughts on “My Good Deed Yesterday…

  1. An objective view of these little yarns proves that Mandy has not exhibited “repeated bad behavior,” except through the eyes of a jilted lover. Objectively, it is this little, Jaycee who has performed badly, through immaturity and an inablilty to deal with the reality we’ve all agreed upon.

    Odd how the fairie can’t make a distinction betwen itself and the psychotic mind that created it.

    1. I don’t know if I could even tune everyone out to do a journal, the older I get, the more I really despise noise like that! I agree with you on the way some people raise their chl#3ren&i82d0;I was raised exactly like you, and I appreciate that more than ever now. Most days I feel like I have to put on rose colored glasses just to function in this chaotic world! You’re a good mom, that’s what your daughter will remember!

  2. Wait O.O you mean you only curse people because they behave badly? Well according to the level of badness that is.
    Or is it you just play pranks to make yourself laugh til your guts hurt?

  3. “Magnetic” boobs LOL

    1. , I think the Lion Heart Andrew Breitbart was as.itsanasedsI wept when I heard the news, and I don't cry easy. Good Bye Friend. I hope to meet you in heaven one day.

  4. Probably could have left the killer bod. I doubt she minded that one. Still 4 out of 5 good deeds. Not a perfect score but you could probably get into a state school with thoes grades.

  5. Recker, who says I can’t do it for both reasons? 🙂

    But really, it’s mostly about the laughing. You humans have this spiritual flaw, where the worse you behave, the more vulnerable you are to magic. Thus, REALLY bad people can be given VERY nasty curses. And those are to most fun.

    As I’m sure you’ll agree. 😀

  6. Only the cunning would say that >=) I like you already Attitude

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