Morgan on the Phone

When I came home last night, there was a message from Morgan on the phone. It’s the first I heard from her since the Lana incident, and I could probably have waited a few more months (years?) before hearing back from her again.

And of course, as I’m sure you have come to expect where Morgan is concerned, it was a sexually charged message. I’m not comfortable reproducing the exact text and details here, but from the sounds around her, the heavy grunting in the background, and the way her voice broke in rhythm, it was clear to me she was in the middle of sex.

And calling out my name. And saying she was sorry, and that she missed me, and a full array of statements of intents, of things she’d like to do to me, and would like me to do to her.

The message was cut short because I think she was using a cell phone and dropped it on the floor.

I really wouldn’t want to be the guy she’s with…


7 thoughts on “Morgan on the Phone

  1. Wait what??? I guess due to that fairy, Morgan now needs a good psychologist!

  2. Ouch, I think its about time you got aorund to talking to her, and frankly, I wouldnt want her to be with any other guy, much less calling you while she’s with another guy investigation needed.

    On another note, I’m alot more comfortable with the new ads, they aren’t as offensive as the previous ones were, they’re much better now.

    And kudos on saying no te jen, that was the right thing to do.

  3. Ack Poor Morgan
    She really needs help this kind of stuff can get her killed or very messed up!
    Maybe send a friend to talk with her cause if she keeps this up they will find her in an alley dead!

  4. Seconded, only I think that you should go and talk to her yourself.

  5. ask manndy if you can to talk to her but you need keep away if you ever want lana back

  6. Lana’s gone chad, we all know it, so does jaycee.

  7. Not to pull on any strings or step on any nerves, but any updates?

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