Minx Watch: Nuts

So…there isn’t a lot I can really see from the vantage point of Jaycee’s web cam. I’ve been able to slowly hack into various other web cams and security cameras around the immediate area with some care, so my viewpoint is slowly growing, but what I’ve discovered is the most interesting stuff is actually going on right here.

Well, duh, right?

Oh, did I mention I’ve been perusing 1990’s American lexicon…dude?

Anyway, something I noticed is that the other fairy Attitude brought over some time ago has been flitting about quite a bit – the one Jaycee dubbed Minx. She’s escaped his primary attention for two reasons; one, she doesn’t seem to be very adept at magic. And two; what she’s adept at hasn’t been directly effecting Jaycee very much…yet.


There’s this squirrel that’s been running around outside, collecting acorns and such and burying them. Well…digging holes and leaving stuff lying around is a better description. While this was going on one day Jaycee happened to be going past the window. Spotting the activity – and the randomly discarded items – he sighed and muttered, “I think you’ve hit your maximum twigs and berries, Mr. Squirrel,” then moved along.

Jaycee didn’t know that Minx and Attitude were nearby. Flying up to the window and taking a look themselves Attitude turned to the less buxom magical lass.

“Do you think his twig and berries are at maximum?”

Minx giggled.


“And so if this was a human target, what would you do?”

Minx tapped her lips for a few moments, then turned to look out the window again.

I’m not really sure what she did, but all I know is that a moment later the poor creature is walking around with it’s tail held a little higher in the air. I don’t really have a lot of good camera angles for looking at squirrel scrotums, but if Minx is anything like Attitude I can image what may have been done to the poor creature. It certainly has a definitive waddle when it walks. I wonder if size matters to lady squirrels?

Although Minx may not be a direct threat to Jaycee right now, it is clear she is being groomed to be quite like Attitude, and that could be trouble. Therefore I will be documenting her as more spells start to become evident. Stay tuned for further reports…gotta bounce.


One thought on “Minx Watch: Nuts

  1. The question is, who’s Minx being preened to torment.

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