Maybe That Was a Bad Idea…

Yesterday, I was in the office to do my work. I figured I’d had so much success on Wednesday, with the flirting at Tomes, that I should see if the flirting could work with colleagues. So armed with my newfound fearlessness and positive attitude, I started my day by bringing a coffee to Susan, the receptionist. She’s a middle-aged pudgy woman with a very lively attitude and we have a great rapport. I told her the coffee was a down payment for the massage she’d give me later. We laughed about it.

And in the morning, the marketing girl whom I share an office with showed up wearing a very short skirt. I talked about how she’d dressed that way just for me, but disapproved of how LONG that short skirt actually was, and that she should change it for something more to my tastes. She blushed quite a bit.

And I kept doing this all day, with every female colleague I ran into. I wasn’t really trying to date them or even get their phone number, it was just for the (harmless) fun of flirting around. And hey, I DID get one phone number, from this girl from Finance, Eileen, who’s so skinny and fascinatingly ugly that you can’t quite take your eyes off her. She’s a bit of a train wreck, physically, but she’s brilliant and has a biting sense of humor once you get her to come out of her shell.

And so went my day, except that by the end of the day, I was summoned in Shelley’s office (she’s our HR person). And then I was given a talk, about how several of the female employees of the company had complained about sexual harassment, and that had to stop.

That’s when I made a comment about how I didn’t believe her, and flirtatiously suggested that she was using this as an excuse to be alone with me in her office…

You can imagine how THAT went… So tomorrow, I’m not working. 1-day suspension, no pay.


5 thoughts on “Maybe That Was a Bad Idea…

  1. Hmm…I guess that’s atleast one day of free time on your hand where you can follow up on all those new numbers that you got hold of.

    Also, do check in on some of your older friends as well, esp. mandy, who knows how she’s holding up what with all the loud noises in the room right next. And you can ofcourse, give morgan another try.

    Think of this as a free day, and you’ll see all the possibilities it brings. :p

  2. I knew this would happen! I knew something bad was going to happen at your job as a children’s book editor. It just seemed too damn pure and perfect and nice. I mean, I didn’t expect this, but hey, at least it could’ve been worse. This is why I always try to stay in the shadows, socially speaking, and I never come out into direct sunlight. I mean besides the fact that it burns and I have a face like the backside of a yak.

    *sigh* I just ain’t got no luck with flirting with women. Still, at least you have a day off. It might be worth it to go and try calling up a few of those phone numbers ya got. you could even check up on friends and family. I reckon a lot of them are missing ya big time and besides, a few beers never hurt anyone right? Unless of course, there’s fairy magic at work in them witches brews….

    wait a minute… If I was right about the trouble at work for you then… JAYCEE! look out for the beers! like admiral ackbar from return of the jedi: “ITS A TRAP!”

  3. *shakes head* Don’t do that again Jaycee. Seriously. Faerie magic causes enough drama in your life without pulling stupid stunts like that looking for more. In fact, you might better think long and hard before you open your mouth again. Last time I thought you were just being insanely stupid it turned out you were suffering under faerie magic. This is sounding like more of the same.

    *reads the next entry* Aw crap. Too late.

  4. Dude. Never mix business with pleasure. Especially if you expect a consistent income.

  5. say what now? funny how they can never tell you their complaints to your face, eh? silly girls.

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