Mandy’s Moving Out

Following some good advice, today I looked for a place where Mandy could stay. Because there wasn’t much time and I didn’t want to take any chances, I went straight to the non-straight: Antony. You may remember that Antony is a gay friend of mine. (Everybody should have a gay friend, it’s the politically correct thing to do, right?)

Antony and I hadn’t talked in a little while, but he’s reliable and trustworthy. I couldn’t tell him about the faerie issue I have, of course, so I made something up. Something with enough truth in it that he’d believe it. I told him there was this weird stalker who was harassing Mandy and I’d feel safer if she could stay elsewhere for a little bit.

“Wait,” he said, “is that still going on? You had some problems with a weirdo, back at the beginning of the year. Is that related?”

“Yeah, I think so. So you okay with Mandy staying at your place for a bit?”

“Sure, no problems. You sure you guys aren’t fighting?”

“No, man, we’re real good together. I just want to keep her safe while I figure this out.”

“Okay. No problems, she can come in tonight.”

So earlier tonight, when I got home and found Mandy already there, I broached the topic right away. I must have had this “we gotta talk” face, because she stiffened up immediately.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

“I think… Minx’s gone crazy. I don’t think it’s safe for you here, right now…”

She didn’t say a word, but there was some hurt in her eyes.

“I called Antony today. You could stay there for a while. If you want. I don’t think Minx can reach you there…”

Still more silence. She nodded slowly.

“I’ll call you a cab.”

She walked out the door about half an hour ago. I know deep inside it’s the best thing to do to keep her safe, but I still feel like crap.


6 thoughts on “Mandy’s Moving Out

  1. Wow, that really blows. But yes, you did the right thing. Hopefully in time, Mandy will feel that as well as know it.

    Jaycee, this may seem like an odd question, but have you ever considered getting some hoodoo of your own? Like protective amulets or pest-wards or something?

    1. Yeah, not sure there are such things against faeries. I’ve looked, by the way (I’m not completely useless), but I’ve never really found anything that works. I did, once, try one of those pentagram thingies on Attitude. It just served to upset her. She shrunk my penis to a stubby little thing smaller than my thumb. That lasted 2 weeks, and I learned my lesson.


      1. By Attitude’s standards, that actually seems pretty mild. Unless it hurt when you had to go to the bathroom, that is. I mean, it was a problem that didn’t broadcast itself to the world and that you could keep hidden without any trouble, right?

        1. She let me off with a light warning, that’s what it was. She could have done MUCH worse, I’m sure. I really wouldn’t want to find out. As for doing it to Minx, well… maybe I’d get away with it, or maybe she’d inadvertently do something horrible to me. I don’t want to find out.

          Not that I can, the little pest has just vanished, lately.


        2. When you say it ‘upset’ her, though… Upset her how? Upset angry, upset frightened (at first, anyway), upset indignant à la ‘pet owner whose usually harmless pet just tried to take a swipe at them’?

  2. On a sidenote – if after all this, Minx pops up just to say “Can you see how much I’ve grown NOW?”, I will seriously start to dislike her and consider her no better than Attitude.

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