Making the Best of a Bad Situation

I decided, if I’m going to have a power (however short the duration is going to be) and it’s going to make women uninterested in me, I might as well make the most of it, right? So this morning, I decided when getting up that I was going to milk the arousal/orgasm thing for all it was worth.

First order of the day: while Mandy was still sleeping (next to me), I “stimulated” her. Her immediate squirming confirmed to me that I still had “it.” I took my time, leaving her in that state, kind of enjoying the sight of her twisting around under the covers. Then I “released” her, bringing her to a rather spectacular climax. It woke her up, but by then I was already out of bed and getting myself ready.

I left my place and went to Coffeehaus, where I’ve been sighting Meghan and Brooke a lot, these last few weeks. No luck, so I turned my attention (and newfound power) to the pretty waitress. She was preparing my latte when her arousal levels went up, and up, and up! I gave her a puzzled look. “You all right?” But she ignored me, keeping the cup of latte in one hand, steadying herself against the counter with the other hand. I could see she was blushing furiously because of her lack of control, and decided to press things a little. “You look a little flushed. Should I call someone?” But as she opened her mouth to answer, I triggered her orgasm. She slammed the cup of latte smack in front of me, growling and moaning at the same time. I left more than enough money to cover the latte and a generous tip.

I went to work early. I wanted to get there before Melissa, the new receptionist. She doesn’t have a particularly pretty face, but she spends a lot of time at the gym and has a pretty tight body. She also draws the attention from her face by unbuttoning her blouse just a tiny bit lower than propriety would suggest. And while she doesn’t have much to show, I have to admit push-up bras do wonder for her figure. She’s also a bit of a brat, so I didn’t feel too bad when, as she sat down, I cranked up her arousal. A bit surprised, she got up immediately, and I stopped exciting her. She looked around and, noticing me, she sat down again. And again, I started turning her on. This time, she didn’t get up. She blushed, realizing I was observing her, but didn’t move. I heated things up a notch; she started squirming. I brought it up another notch. She put both her elbows on her desk and hid her face behind her hands. I could easily guess how much she was squeezing her thighs under the table. She repressed a moan, but I could hear it. So did Craig, a co-worker who came in at just that moment.

“You okay, Mel?” he asked.

I triggered her orgasm right at that moment.

“Oh YES! YESSS!” she screamed back at him.

The best part: I recorded all this on video, on my iPhone.

Like I said: make the best of a bad situation…


13 thoughts on “Making the Best of a Bad Situation

  1. Jaycee, you’re a bad person.

    1. Oh, come ON! Just this ONCE, I take advantage of something bad that happens to me, and I’m a bad person?

      All right, I admit, it wasn’t exactly very nice… But be honest, what would YOU have done, if you’d been cursed with what I got? Isn’t there ONE girl in your entourage that you wouldn’t want to see be spontaneously aroused and having loud public orgasms? Not ONE? (And by the way, the question applies even if you’re a woman, potentially doing it to some other woman you don’t like… Or that you like a lot. 😉


      1. *considers all the women he knows*

        Nnnno. I have to say no. If I was currently sexually intimate with one of them, maybe, but not in public.
        But as matters stand: Very much no.

        1. THANK YOU!

          Hey… That Orgazmo movie… I think it’s in one of the DVDs I received a few months back… I’d put those away in a porn box, which I hid from view, but that looks like fun… I think I’ll go fish it out tonight…


  2. If Mandy was ignoring you from, how did she sleep in the same be with you? The spell doesn’t last long i take it.

    Btw, will we ever learn what happened to Brook’s other girlfriend? Truth be told i was surprised Brook moved on, she seemed to be in Lust with Brook and not love.

    Lust can be fun of course, but not for a long term relationship.

    1. Mandy and I slept in the same bed. She just… well, “left me alone,” that’s all.

      And as for Brooke’s other GF, are you talking about Roseanne? Funny you should mention her, I saw her last night…


      1. Yeah, Roseanne.

        I was just wondering, since you haven’t mentioned her since Brooke got back together with Meghan.

        1. They’re still together. I haven’t asked Brooke about the Meghan thing, so she doesn’t know that I know. It’s also been a pretty busy summer and I haven’t seen much of Brooke in the last few weeks (months?).


        2. So you also wouldn’t know if Meghan knows it’s the same Brooke in a female body? Last Brooke talked about Meghan, he said he hadn’t talked to her since he turned into a woman.

        3. Sorry, i meant She.

        4. No, I don’t know. And I don’t exactly feel like talking about Meghan with Brooke either. Not my favorite topic.

          But having said that, it’s pretty likely Meghan WOULD know. Or SHOULD know. Brooke’s dress code, speech patterns, and body language are pretty distinctive…


  3. @Jayce:

    Good point. Though it seems she’s ok with Brooke new female body.

    And sorry for asking about the Brooke/Meghan thing. I know it’s a sore spot, but i was just curious after you mentioned seeing them at the coffee place.

    Your life is like a Soap Opera….a Hot and Sexy Soap Opera(So really, alot like a Hispanic Soap Opera).

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