I’m Back!

After a much-needed vacation, I’m back in the saddle. I have to give a big hug to Mandy for taking care of this place while I was gone. I’m sure it wasn’t easy… So thanks Mandy.

And for the doubters who think ill of her, let me go on record and say that things are good between us, now. I haven’t talked about our relationship here since she’s been “back,” but the Sex-Predator Mandy is gone, and this one is the friend I had lost during all these years. With all the chaos around my relationship with Lana, and the damage Morgan has made, I just didn’t mention anything here about Mandy and I. But we’re good.

And it’s nice to have someone to talk to in Real Life when faerie-related stuff happens. Now that I can share this with her, I realize the pressure I was under, just being by myself and having no one to talk to about this.

So you’re probably wondering where I’ve been these last two weeks, and what’s been happening with Lana.

Let me start with my vacations: I went for a retreat in a monastery. With real monks. MEN-monks, to be clear. Away from all that girl-drama that has plagued my life of late. It was an amazing experience. I rented a room there and lived like them for a full ten days. I dressed like them, I ate like them, and I completely followed their schedule.

Just so we’re clear, I’m NOT religious. I don’t believe in one or many gods, I have no faith, and I don’t like organized religion very much. But even so, when you’re in a place like that, it’s a perfect opportunity for quiet introspection. That’s what I spent my time doing. Meditating, thinking, cleaning floors, and making cheese and wine (that’s how that monastery makes a living). It’s pretty back-breaking work, actually, and surprisingly rewarding. It’s funny how we overthink things, sometimes. Instead of being in the moment, we look back at what we’ve done, or project ourselves into the future, and forget to spend time in the “now.”

It’s something Zuri once mentioned to me, when talking about all these crazy sports she does: when you’re in an intense situation, one where your focus needs to be razor sharp because it’s potentially life threatening, you tend to be at your best. During those moments, you’re not thinking about work, or about a failed relationship. You’re in the moment. It’s something pure, and something you’ll cherish forever.

So perhaps my cheese- and wine-making wasn’t exactly life threatening, but it’s the spirit of it that counts. I was living from moment to moment. And I was surrounded by very kind, generous people, who gave me space when I wanted space, and companionship when I needed it.

So all this to say I’m back. And if you were hoping I was going to talk about Lana, get it out of your head. We don’t talk about Lana here anymore.


9 thoughts on “I’m Back!

  1. >.< This wibiya thing you've added is sort of annoying. Once I told NoScript to allow it, it popped up this notification window which disappeared before I got done reading it. I finally figured out how to get the message back so I could read it, but again it disappeared after a second or two. I had to keep clicking the icon again and again to finally be able to read the whole notification. That really bugs me. If it's going to pop up notifications I would at least like them to stick around long enough to actually read them. Any chance you could adjust that somehow?

    BTW, welcome back. 🙂 Mandy was a great hostess while you were away, so no worries on having her sub for you. Sounds like you had an interesting and relaxing experience during your vacation. Looking forward to seeing what you've got for us this year. ^_^ Also, nice site redesign, despite the annoying quirks of wibiya, whatever it is.

    1. Hey,

      It’s good to be back. For the Wibiya bar, I’ve increased the reading time from 10 seconds to 30 seconds. It was easy to fix once I started looking for it in the Wibiya bar config panel. Sorry about that.

      Also, glad Mandy did a good job. I may call upon her again if I ever need another vacation. 🙂 As for what I have in store for you this year — let’s hope 2011 brings me a bit of peace and quiet, really. (And speaking of quiet, I don’t know where Attitude is… Anyone knows?)


      1. Last I heard, she was off trying to look into the whole second faerie thing, but that was on Christmas Day, so either she is taking her time, she’s doing something else, or the process she is taking takes a while. Just my opinion on things

  2. Hi there Jaycee,

    Good to see you back (and feeling a bit better). Don’t you worry: Mandy have been a great hostess.

    So, a monastery, eh? Well, I must admit that wouldn’t have been my first choice, but I can understand the need. Focusing on doing something simple, away from worldly concerns, can be beneficial on someone’s mind.

  3. welcome back jaycee and mandy was a great hostess and with the were not talking about lana thing dose that mean you tould her and she asked you not to or you broke up or what and it souned like you had nice time but on a more scearise note are you going to start looking for a new job or are you takeing time to sort your life out?

    1. It means it’s still a bit too sore a topic to bring up here.

      As for work, well, I’ve got a few contacts and I’ve hit them up for some freelance work. I guess I’ll be doing some editing from home for the time being.

  4. Good to see you back, man. Hope the new year treats you well.

  5. How funny. Mandy writes with the exact same syntax and cadence and metre that Jaycee does. They use exactly the same adjectives and verbs.

    One might think they are exactly the same person. If that one had an education and was capable of critical thought, that is.

  6. You were doing great, whats with the incest??? I can live with homoerotica but this aint cool.

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