How Does It Feel?


This is probably a creepy question, and I suppose it’s one that’s going to sound pretty dumb to 50% of the population, but seeing as I’m in the process of writing a story featuring a female character, I gotta ask.

This question is largely directed at the few women who took a wrong turn on the internet and ended up as part of the audience (and trust me, we’re glad to have you, it’s just I can’t wrap my brain around why you’d like it here). If there are men who can shed some insight or know sites that do, however, feel free to chime in.

Okay, here we go. Ready?

How does it feel to you when you get horny? What are the physical reactions you experience, from mild arousal to mind-numbing, gotta-fuck-right-now super-lust?

If it can help, I can embed some visual references into this post, and you can describe to me what you think she’s experiencing fo each image.

Like (I suppose) many of my gender, I feel I should know this as an adult, but I don’t seem to run into any man who’s actually had the candid conversation with women. And it’s not something I talk about with other men. As guys, we punch each other on the arm, in the face, or in the balls, or we talk about how we “destroyed” this or that chick with our amazing penises (he says, tongue FIRMLY in cheek). But we don’t talk to women about the erotic sensations that come with being a woman.

I’m hoping this can be a civil, educational, and entertaining conversation. I certainly hope someone’s going to chime in (male or female) and not let me feel like a clueless idiot. 😀


6 thoughts on “How Does It Feel?

  1. Hmm… that’s a good question actually, and almost makes me feel like the time I was reading a book that was half research on the phenomena of human sex and attraction and half a self help book. It asked the reader to describe all of the things like mood, environment, partner, lead up, etc that had surrounded a positive sexual experience and I wound up throwing the book across the room because it made me realize I’d never had something that i would describe as a positive experience with a partner despite numerous different attempts.

    So i guess the short answer is I don’t know. Thank you for asking though, because apparently no one has before, which is the reason I’ve never thought of it.

    But, trying to muddle together an answer here. The start is kind of easy. A flush of heat that runs throughout the body, generally followed by a wash of dampness between the legs. But I think it’s important to pause here and say that a wet vagina by itself is zero indication of arousal. Like any sexual imagery makes that happen, even if it very much turns me OFF. I’ve heard the auto lubrication in response to anything sexual is an evolved response protecting from additional physical damage in the very real historical and prehistoricical threat of rape and I can very much believe that.

    Anyway, back to the process of arousal. As the desire to fuck gets stronger the clitorous starts to throb and expand, almost
    Begging to be touched. Less frequently, I might feel like I might want something inside me for extra stimulation.

    Then in response to clitoral stimulation aided by other additional teasing around the body a slow building of heat across the whole body but centered on the groin region. Muscles begin to spasm, contracting and releasing without control. For me at least this whole process actually takes a lot of concentration, any stray thought or itch can kill the vibe. The rest of the world and its concerns have to be shut out purposely, or I’ll have to give up and try again some other time. All the build up can basically just shut down on a moment’s notice. The further you can get in the stimulation process though the easier it gets as distractions fade away.

    But assuming one does manage to get near climax it’s like a building pressure both pleasurable and achy at the same time, again radiating outward from the focus on the clitorous, begging for release. Kind of like one might burst from the strain of it, but also wanting it to go on forever.

    And the moment of climax. Well it varies. Sometimes it’s like a quick pop and it’s just over. Sometimes it’s like a wave of pure joy that floods the whole body and one is simultaneously completely relaxed and floating while physically every muscle in the body is tightened up.

    And then, for me at least, everything has to stop, because the whole body, but private bits in particular, are just too sensitive and any additional simulation just registers as pain.

    Anyway, full disclaimer, I did have to jerk off to write this, as like I said at the beginning I’d never even really thought about what the experience feels like before.

    I think an important thing to keep in mind is that the experience of female arousal is very mental, and much less physical than I’ve heard it is for guys, though obviously the are physical responses. So mental state is a big deal, and that makes the whole process kind of tenuous at times. That’s actually one of the reasons I do enjoy your comics. It’s this fantasy world where arousal and sex are easy, and enjoyment happens at the snap of fairy fingers.

    I don’t know if this helps or not, but you wanted honest input so I’ve given it.

  2. Hi Anon,

    I wish there was a “SUPER like” button to say how much I enjoyed your comment. I was feeling a bit like an idiot for asking, and was very worried that there would be a deafening silence in response to what sounded like a dumb question to me. I’m hoping other guys reading this will chime in and say if they learned anything at all while reading this. I certainly know I did.

    I think my main takeaway is the fragility of female arousal, at least in your case. I can imagine it varies from one woman to the next, but it’s a good reminder that men and women don’t get turned on the same way. We guys just see genitalia, blood rushes to our dicks, and fantasies seem to emerge naturally as a response to that. It sounds like it’s very much the reverse for women (but if I’m interpreting it wrong, please correct me).

    Much of what you said made a lot of sense. I keep hearing how women get aroused thorough their brains, but it hasn’t occurred to me that this was a significant mental effort. I also kinda knew that lubrication didn’t mean arousal, but it was one of those things in the background that I never gave much thought to. I think that can make for interesting plot elements, and I’ll definitely be using that in “The (Interactive) Torment of Nicole Swan.” She’s not a high-libido character to start with, and maybe I can use writing smut to indirectly shed some light on the female perspective.”

    Anyway, thank you so much for taking the time to write this very detailed response. To express my gratitude, I’ll send a few faeries your way so they can mess with your day while you work.


  3. Addendum: I’m afraid sending faeries your way isn’t gonna work, or if they find you, it will be because they want to, not because I asked. My resident faerie, Attitude, had some strong words about my suggestion. She also made sure I had some strong orgasms as punishment. Sure, one or two can be cool, but if you think a dozen orgasms are fun, then you’re welcome to come help me clean the jizz off my bedsheets. And my bedroom walls. And ceiling. And cat.

    Anyway. I’ve written this. She’s read it. And now that she’s satisfied I’ve learned my lesson, I’m sure you can imagine what I’m off to.


    1. Hahaha, indeed, fairies are their own beasts and there is no directing them.

  4. Hmmmmmmm…well my husband makes me respond stronger than I ever did with any of my boyfriends or previous spouses.He always starts slow laving me behind my ears, which he learned by empirical observation is a very sensitive spot on me, and then working his way slowly down to my breasts being gentle with nibbles and sucks on the nipple and aureola on that breast while simultaneously pinching and tugging at my opposite nipple and squeezing my opposite breast. Never enough to injure or bruise, but enough to be uncomfortable. the contrast, as he has also learned, stimulates me faster. I start to feel a fire in my lower abdomen and groin. It builds even faster as he abandons his breast play with first his hand and then his mouth as he works my cliterous and labia. Then he is kissing my around my labia and cliterous never quite touching my “little man in the boat” just whisking soft breath winds across it. By this point my groin is raising up toward his mouth and the finger he has rubbing my G spot inside me. I find my body thrashing helpless for me to control at this pint and I am making soft little mewling sounds as I pant. Then on the brink, he will back off. He keeps me very stimulated, but does not finish me off then. He does this four to five times until I scream at him to finish me OFF! Then the next thing I know he is inside me, stretching my inner walls and bottoming out, and I am cumming like an insane person. We have to keep a thick towel beneath my bottom since I release a flood of juices from my opening, and he has told me that I contract like I am having a grand mal seizure. At this point I am unaware of anything since I am lost in a daze of colors and sensations that cannot compare to anything I have ever felt outside of our marital bed, couch, floor, back seat, table top, whatever. I know with other partners, I was always aware of everything going on around me and often found my building arousal getting cut off by a sound or something that makes me think we may not be alone. But with him, he is like a master violin player and I am his Stradivarius. And yes, I know I flatter myself with the comparison. Other orgasms with other lovers were hard to achieve and somewhat less than satisfactory. I hope that helps.

    1. That’s amazing stuff, thank you so much for sharing it with us. I especially like how you describe what looks like (and probably feels like) mind-blowing orgasms. I also like that you seem to disconnect from reality when it happens, which I suspect a lot of readers here will find achingly sexy. One of the tropes that keeps coming up in faeries stories is loss of control, especially sexually. For the series I’m currently writing, I think your testimonial will come in very handy.



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