He’s Not My Friend…

I occasionally read your silly scribblings and I laugh. I laugh because you keep suggesting that I’m trying to help Jaycee. I laugh because you think I have developed some kind of relationship with him and that I want what’s good for him.

Silly humans indeed.

Get it out of your head that I’m there for his benefit, or his growth, or his peace of mind. He’s not my friend. He’s a toy, and he’s mine to play with. Just like you played with G.I. Joe as little boys, or with Barbie as little girls. You made them do things, you made them say things, didn’t you? It’s just like that with me and Jaycee. He’s a fun toy. At best, he’s a pet. It’s not like I don’t take good care of him, either. I make sure he gets properly laid as well. That’s something he’d NEVER be able to do on his own. Well, maybe he’s a little better now, now that I’ve trained him a little. Yes, he can be taught. >:)

And another thing… I don’t like to share my toys. So don’t go reading anything more than that when I asked Countessa Ylang-Ylang to look into what’s been happening. And if anyone out there is reading this, and is making plans to have fun with Jaycee, know that you’re messing with the wrong faerie.

So there. Go resume your dull, sexless lives, and stop making assumptions about me.


7 thoughts on “He’s Not My Friend…

  1. I’m still wondering if the suggestions I made about conditional relay spells/curses are viable for you, impossible for faeries in general, or beyond your power. Not that you’d tell me, or the Internet at large, if it *was* beyond your power. But if they happen to be viable options for you, I would hope to hear that you’ve put this particular tactic to effective use. It would also explain why the Countess hasn’t found any information regarding whoever tampered with your toy.

    For reference — https://www.bloomingfaeries.com/?p=1557#comments

    1. You’re funny and silly all at once. Of COURSE we faeries can do anything. But some things are more fun than others, and mind-altering spells are just at the bottom of the fun-pole. So we don’t like to do it much. And magic you don’t enjoy doing just doesn’t have much heart, and so it doesn’t last very long.

      Everybody knows that, doesn’t everybody?


      1. Thank you for clarifying that. I was working off something Jaycee said a while back. I considered that he may have been wrong, but you referenced the same information yourself regarding the Morgan incident. (reference) I may have been wrong about the techniques used, but if so then that level of interference placed directly on Jaycee should have been pretty easy to detect.

  2. Y’know, as much as I despise your tiny faerie guts, I do have to respect your honesty. There’s one policy we have in common.

  3. I have been wondering, since it was Jaycee AND Nandy that tricked you into revealing your prank on Lana, if you had in mind an way to get even with her. You got even with Jacyee with the “invisible” clothing with his boss. It “seems” like Mandy has gotten away with that. Any comments?

  4. That was supposed to be “since it was Jaycee and Mandy that tricked you”

  5. I know I’m a little late, but I’m happy Ken and Barbie finally got back together. They were made for each other! See what I did there…;-)

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