Here Comes Meghan!

It’s all Attitude’s fault, I’m sure of it. Of course, the little devil is hiding from me right now, but I have no doubt she’s been messing with Meghan.

Let me start from the beginning. Yesterday, as mentioned, I went to lunch with Megan, equipped with all the poison I could carry in my mind. I was ready to let her have it, both for her thing with Brooke, and for being unable to face me through it all. But the moment I got to the restaurant (nothing fancy, but we had a booth), I could see on her face she was upset. It didn’t matter all that much to me. I took my coldest tone and asked what was up.

She told me abruptly that there was something wrong with her. She asked me if I felt all right, if I’d… experienced anything unusual lately. Sexually, she meant. I said no, didn’t understand what she was talking about. Then I realized: she had some kind of STI and had passed it on to me! I opened my mouth to rip her a new one, but she held up her hand, shushed me, and continued on (bossy bia-tch!).

“I’ve… got hot flashes,” she admitted. “VERY hot flashes.”

I hesitated, puzzled by her meaning. She kept going.

“It’s happened twice so far. At random times. Once at dinner time, when I was home; the other in the middle of the night on Wednesday. You sure you haven’t had any symptoms like that?”

I shook my head. “Like what?” I asked.

She looked at me like I was some kind of retard. She pointed at her crotch. “Jaycee! Hello? Hot flashes! Like org-”

She interrupted herself, her expression changing almost instantly. She went from bitch to kitty in 0.46 seconds.

“Oh no!” she breathed.

I was amazed at what I saw. Without warning, she backed up against the cushioned seat, bit into her fist, and spread her knees. She slouched forward a bit and glared at her crotch like it was an enemy. But that expression soon softened, her eyes glazing over. It wasn’t long before she started sighing and mewing as I knew she did during sex, and although there was no one touching her, I could tell exactly what was going on. We were in an isolated part of the restaurant (had she chosen that deliberately, just in case?), not too far from the bathroom. Her hips started bucking in response to some invisible plowing, but then, through what must have been a supreme effort, she gathered herself and got up. She stumbled lustily in the direction of the ladies’ room, both hands inside her pants, probably trying to probe what was going on down there. She vanished inside the bathrooms, where she spent the next 10 minutes having what sounded like incredible sex.

When she came out, her hair messed up and smelling of sex, she raced past the table without looking at me and exited the restaurant.

Bitch stiffed me on the bill.



11 thoughts on “Here Comes Meghan!

  1. If you agreed to see her then she didn’t “stiff” you with the bill. Stop looking for scapegoats and take responsibility for your actions, you sorry sack of child.

  2. Ending made me smile. And I think either old crow doesn’t get the point, or is a troll lol.

  3. Wow, from my point of view. Jaycee you’re like riding one hell of a life. No offense but your stories are really entertaining to us readers. Stay strong man through out this erm… life? Heh.

  4. Yes, I’m sure it’s worth $25 (USD) to hear so much more. LOL

  5. Actually, since they are no longer dating, he had no obligation to pay for her meal. The fact that he has a penis has nothing to do with who buys the food. Enter the 21st century where women buy their own stuff when they go out with friends. I never make my guy friends buy my food. That’s a bitch move.

  6. I’d like to know what REALLY happened during this meeting. I’m sure she had a much better reason for skipping out on the bill. Let’s be honest here. You act like a child. Just from what I’ve read so far, I’m inclined to side with the bitch. Get your life in order, man. If your life really sucks that bad then just confront the “problems” instead of whining to strangers on the internet. Get a blog or something. I come here to read the comic, then notice all the sob stories you write down here. God forbid they be related AT ALL to the comic. What was I thinking? Well, I suppose they are very distantly related in that you talk to an imaginary fairy. Seriously, grow up.

  7. To Whatever: seriously, you must be reaaaaallllyyy retarded infant if you believe that all these written things here are real 🙂

  8. Just to clarify, folks, please make sure you’ve read this site’s “About” section. I think it’ll resolve a lot of the conflicts I see brewing here…


  9. wow…totally unreal how stupid people can be. If you don’t like what is shared here then DON’T READ IT! it is entertainment no one is MAKING you read ANY of it.

  10. It is funny how people get so worked up over stories in a blog… If this was real, I would feel sorry for Jaycee, though. As it stands, I get a good laugh every now and then. 🙂

    1. Wow, this is a year and a half old… I’d almost forgotten all about this thread, and the gentle wisdom of that Old Crow fellow… 😉


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