Help Me Test My Shoppe



Several months ago, I was forced to shut down my shop on Gumroad because of their new policies forbidding adult content. It’s taken me a while, but I’ve put up a rudimentary shop for internal testing on this site. I’ve released three chapters of the Princess Heather comic (which, as you know, is free to read on The chapters are in PDF format so you can read the comic offline. Once I’ve confirmed that the shop works fine (and I just need a handful of you to test it), I’ll start putting up the remaining chapters, including the ones that are currently Patreon exclusives. They’ll be for sale at a very affordable price.

What I need from those of you willing to help is to do two things:

  1. Purchase Chapter 1 (FREE)
  2. Purchase Chapter 2 ($1 on PayPal)

In exchange for doing this, I will email you a PDF of Chapter 10, which is the ongoing chapter, so you’ll get to read the remaining pages of the chapter weeks before everybody else.

All you need to do is visit or use the Shop button in the main menu.

After I’ve confirmed that the shop works fine, this post will self-destruct.

Thanks in advance for your help!


9 thoughts on “Help Me Test My Shoppe

  1. Had an issue with the shop this morning, but it might be on my end.

    I tried a transaction with both chapter one and two, but the payment cycle bombed. I’d go the cart to make the payment, but my browser kept locking up (to the point where my computer bluescreened once). I ran a transaction with just the freebie, and it went through all right.

    It’ll be a while before I have another machine to test from; however, I thought you might want this information now.

    Good luck!

    1. I’m not sure why the payment cycle bombed, and it’s not something I can easily investigate. Are you set up with a PayPal account already? And also, for the free comic you purchased, were you able to download it after completing the purchase?
      Thanks for your help!

  2. Same issue here.
    I order the chapter 1, 2 and 3.
    I got to paypal “getting your wallet” and then it just started spinning and nothing else happens.
    I went back and ordered just chapter 1 and it seem to have gone through without any problems.

    1. Damn. That’s a bummer. I was hoping to avoid setting up a sandbox to test the whole thing myself, but I might have to do that to work out the kinks out of the system. Guess the shop isn’t quite ready for mass consumption yet.
      Not that there are MASSES trying to consume it at the moment. 🙂
      Thanks for the feedback!

  3. I ordered chapters 1 and 2. Payment went through just fine (at least according to PayPal), but am unable to download the comics.

    1. Did I send you the link by email?

  4. I orderer comic 1 & 2, but was unable to download comic 2 after the payment

    1. I’m 100% flummoxed by the store plugin’s erratic behavior. Some people get the link, others don’t.

      I’ll reach out to you by email to resolve this.


    2. Yes you did. Thank you.

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