Happy Glorious Fourth!

To all our American readers, I’d like to wish a happy 4th of July! I’m leaving the Comments section open so you can share with the rest of us what you’ll be doing today to celebrate America!

Me, I’m spending the day with Meghan. We had dinner (at the Indian Place) last night and worked things out. What did I tell her? How did I explain the week-long silence on my part? I lied, of course! No way I could tell her about the faerie philters, curses, and other strangeness! I just told her I thought things were moving too fast, and that the feelings I had scared me a little. Brooke always tells me girls dig it when you talk about your feelings and sound vulnerable, so I took a page from his playbook and tried it. Plus, it wasn’t a complete lie. I am a little scared of the relationship. Just not for the reasons that she may think. She said she understood, then set the record straight–she doesn’t plan on marrying me, or bearing my children, or changing her last name for me. She’s a day-to-day girl. I disappear from her life for a few days–she moves on. I come back? She greets me with open arms.

So it looks like we’re back “together,” if that means anything. She’s okay with me taking it slow. And today, we’re going to take it as slow as we can. Inside. With blu-ray movies and popcorn. Just the two of us, alone. Making our own fireworks, if you catch my drift.

Y’all have a great day now!


4 thoughts on “Happy Glorious Fourth!

  1. O.O

    I was… err… applauding your success, my brother-in-arms!
    Yes, absolutely!
    I in no way shape or form was clapping in order to summon more faeries to the area… or keeping them alive… or in a heightened state of anything… no sir.
    That would not have been a very nice thing to do…

  2. /clap /clap /clap /clap /clap /clap

  3. I feel sorry for you 🙁 the way she described your relationship is totally emotionless – You’re not a ‘lover’ to her just a object of momentary pleasure, It sounds like the time you where missing from her life was only as inconvenience as misplacing her vibrator.

  4. Joe: I half-agree with you, to be honest. On the one hand, I’d love to be the love of her life, but after the drama of my story with Mandy, I kinda enjoy being a boy toy. At the same time, I’m hoping more develops over time. I certainly wouldn’t want to be JUST a fleshy vibrator… But seriously, now that I know this is the result of some faerie curse, I’m not sure how I FEEL about the whole thing…

    Blade: Thanks. You’re a bro. No, really. 😛

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