3 thoughts on “Great Gift Idea

  1. lol, I’ve seen them before, but they don’t look very comfortable or effective. I mean, how could stuffing a piece of plastic in there be comfortable?

    Then again, my wife is recovering from getting pretty massive implants, and those things look tiny in comparison. 0.o

    ( o Y o )

    1. I think I like your wife already. 😉

      Kidding aside, show her you care, offer to hold her boobs while she sleeps. Or offer her that hard, pink, cylindrical thing. Whatever gets the job done. 😉


      (In my next life, I want to be reincarnated as a Kush support. 🙂

  2. Meh I just offer my arm that’s how I like to sleep any way though I suppose I could offer coupons for “arm service”

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