Friday Night Speed Dates

Since I’d gathered so many phone numbers on Wednesday and I had nothing to do all day yesterday (suspension from work and all), I decided to call a few of them up and setup some coffee dates in the evening.

  • 18:00 Date with Lucy (perky blonde, dental hygiene assistant)
  • 19:00 Date with Marcie (also blonde, very thin waist, veterinarian)
  • 20:00 Date with Ingrid (brunette, accountant)
  • 21:00 Date with Veronica (beautiful blue eyes, boobalicious, law student)

The date with Lucy went well, but I don’t think she liked the fact that I was flirting with our waitress very much. And when 7PM rolled around and I saw Marcie come in, I asked her if she wanted to stick around, but she just turned red, picked up her things, and left. Marcie thought it was funny and our date started on the right note. Even funnier was the way she TOO started flirting with our waitress, like she was playfully competing with me to be the most flirtatious. That was hilarious. And when Ingrid showed up, I asked her to sit with us, which she did. The three of us had a great time. So much so, in fact, that I admitted to them I had another date lined up for 9PM, but didn’t feel like sticking around since these two were so much fun.

So we left minutes before Veronica showed up. That’s too bad, she really DID have nice breasts… Would’ve been nice to stare at them some more…

Ah well. I ended up having a good night of fun with two sets of funbags that were nothing to scoff at.


4 thoughts on “Friday Night Speed Dates

  1. Should’ve waited for veronica jaycee, should have waited for veronica.

  2. Blue eyes, well stacked, still a student, what was there to not miss mate? ;P

  3. *sigh* Enjoy it while it lasts Jaycee, but remember there are times when you have simply GOT to reign it in or you’re gonna drive your life right into the ditch again. It’s so obvious that you’re under faerie influence once again, but this was just insane. You lucked out with two of your four dates turning out so well. Most guys would have wound up with four ruined dates out of a psycho scheme like this. For fuck’s sake man, dig deep and find some self-control before you self-destruct! You’ve got a really good thing going right now, but if you don’t find a way to control it it’s going to ruin your life again. There is a happy medium to be struck between “emo hermit” and “out-of-control playboy” you know.

  4. I kinda Have to agree with Luna here. As much as I admire the aggressive nature…. there is a line between being playful and being destructive. and you are lucky 2 of your dates turned out cool… many of my female friends would have sword punched you in the junk and walked away.

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