Freaky Friday? Traumatic Thursday!

I just woke up this morning, feeling beside myself.

Which turns out to be exactly the problem. When I looked next to me, expecting to find a sleeping Mandy, I found… me! Sleeping.

“What the heck?!?”

And then I looked down at myself, and saw that I was wearing some sexy lingerie. And sporting a rack that could only belong to…

“Mandy!” I blurted out loud. “I’m frikkin’ Mandy!” (Well, I didn’t use “frikkin’,” but I’m sure you get the point.)

My bedmate stirred, opened his sleepy eyes, and half-grinned.

“You sure did,” he said, still half-asleep. Then his eyes popped wide open. “My voice! Wait! YOU! You’re ME!”

I sighed. “Yeah, and you’re me.”

I have to run, no time to tell you more. Gotta go fix this!


6 thoughts on “Freaky Friday? Traumatic Thursday!

  1. Umm…I didn’t plan that.


    1. *shakes head* I told you something like this could happen. Never give fairies ideas!

      1. Actually, YOU gave me the idea. I didn’t know what Freaky Friday was, but when you mentioned it, I checked the back cover and thought it was GENIUS! You would make a great faerie, Lunaroki!

        Minx & I are having a blast watching those two fumble around in their new bodies… You should see them!


    2. Blog, don’t feel bad, you couldn’t see it coming.

      Just keep doing what you’re doing, it’s all going to be fine. I’m proud of you. 🙂


      1. Oh, how I would love to see you with wings pinned to a fucking card. Pixie bitch…

  2. Jaycee you should at least give us some details of how it was one day in the body of Mandy.

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