Finding Comfort

The last day have been very rough, ever since I’ve come to my senses.

Last night, I couldn’t take it and called a few friends to see if anyone would be willing to come over and keep me company. Help get my mind off things and all. But the ONLY person who was free to come was (oddly) Brooke.

How pathetic is that, right?

Anyway, he came over and we played some new, free game that was just released by Microsoft: Doritos Crash Course! Kind of a bastard child of Trials HD and the TV show wipeout.

I had a blast for a few hours, but at the end of the night, I was once again alone in bed, watching the ceiling, my mind spinning scenarios on how I could fix this.

Truth is, I can’t…


4 thoughts on “Finding Comfort

  1. Have you actually tried to confront lana about this, try and track her down and talk to her or something? And since this thing has blown up so out of proportion, maybe now should be about the time that you go talk to morgan about it, for the better or the worse, you should talk to her, clear the mist if only for your own conscience, and maybe, here, where you’ve lost lana, you may gain someone else, or at least, be able to make sense of whatsoever happened.

  2. Another line to investigate would be the very same that initally seemed odd to you about morgan, the hypnotist theory, so on and so forth. It might not just be all faeries at work here, so you should look into that too, but no matter what you do, it is imperative for you to talk to morgan, just the same as you need to talk to lana, though I have my suspicions that it might just be too late for that now.

  3. Any updates on the status?

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