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#13: Time to Start a Collection

15 thoughts on “#13: Time to Start a Collection

  1. Ah…so there be method behind this madness…

  2. The wizard’s the one who’s actually figuring out what’s going on. If he’s an imbecile, what does that make you princess?

  3. A very, very spoiled brat? 😀

  4. Someone who doesn’t read instruction manuals.

    Honestly I can’t help but think that there must be a way to get out of this one with the mirror’s help. It showed up out of nowhere like a bad character introduction or Chekov’s Gun lying in wait.

  5. Interesting you’d say that… I wrote a script just about that 2-3 weeks ago. Of course, with the buffer, the actual strip won’t be up for several weeks, but you DO have a valid point about the (rather poor) introduction & usage of the mirror. I’ll work on that.


    1. Makes you wonder what happened to the Last Magic Mirror(s), Heather owned, yes? 😉

  6. Ahh that’s it so far? 🙁
    Lovin it so far, funny, hot, well drawn. Can’t wait for more though.

    1. Oh no, that’s NOT it at all! The weekly strip continues. By “buffer,” I just meant that the strips are produced about 3 months ahead of time, just in case I run into any major trouble in life.

      So yeah, DEFINITELY more to come!


  7. I sure hope that this portends that the little prince is going to start going nuts. Having a hot, sweaty dress–that he probably recognizes as the princess’, too–fall on his head should make the little squirt quite excited. Which, in turn, should make the princess really get hot and bothered…and bothered some more. Yes? ;D

  8. You know, i kinda wish more was done with the disappearing curse spell, it didn’t get as much use as the others.

    1. *Disappearing clothese spell, sorry.

      1. Yeah, back then, I wasn’t milking these ideas as much as I do now. Chalk it up to lack of experience.

        “I’m doing it.”

        1. Any chance you might revisit it? Incidentally, i like the implication that Heather won’t let the curse stop her from insulting people.

          A princess must have her priorities after all.

        2. Not likely I’ll revisit it any time soon, at least not on Heather. She’s evolved a bit over time and I’m not sure the “new and improved” Heather might make as good a target for that curse as the “old” one. But you never know.

          “I’m doing it.”

        3. Fair point, she does seem nicer these days. Relative to how she was before anyway. Spending time as a civilian seems to be helping too, i haven’t seen her insult or make fun of anyone.

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