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#25: The Naked Truth

20 thoughts on “#25: The Naked Truth

  1. Danger, Will Robinson! Well at least at sundown, Albert will have some…explaining to do…

  2. This will probably put the Wizard in a bad position and alot of trouble if someone else walks in and sees him with a naked kid.

    Or it’ll put Albert in an embarrassing position whe he gets his body back.

  3. Little to close to child porn here. I’m confident that any sexual content would be enough to score convictions on. I’m out. o/

    1. Ah, but fortunately — no sexual content about this. It was just meant to embarass Heather one more time, but there’s nothing going on between the wizard and Albert.

      Coming up next: new character gets introduced.


      1. You seem to be under the mistaken impression that it matters.
        it has nothing to do with sexual content or not. A picture of a naked child is legally CP in many countries and gets you in prison. Moreover, many countries now consider mere drawings of an underaged person naked to be CP and merit an equal conviction. There are people in prison, today, who were convicted on CP charges for cartoon porn.
        AFAIK Australia, UK, USA, and many other countries now convict for drawings.

        1. PS. Naked means “a viewer can see certain body parts”…
          if he is naked but we can’t see it then its not an issue.

        2. Well in SOME idiotic countries you get executed for drawing Mohammed…that doesn’t make it right or mean that such a law makes any sense whatsoever.

          Considering that showing people naked is a mainstay of British humor, any such law in the UK would by hypocritical to the N’th degree.

        3. Yes, in some countries you are executed for drawing of muhamad, yes it is stupid…
          but a surprisingly large countries are taking this really stupid stance, so what can we do?

    2. Seriously, this guy can’t tell the difference between “whups, suddenly naked guy is placed in an embarassing situation” and kiddie porn?

      Come on, DarkSide007, the wizard certainly isn’t responsible for the situation here (we know the wizard is a hetero pervert who collects soiled panties and such for crying out loud…)

      1. Naked kid in an adult comic, I can easily see why it would upset people. All her hands have done so far are lewd and sexual things. You can’t see why someone would be offended at the very least by the ‘Yay we’re back’ comments? Honestly it just isn’t all that funny to me either and will be the last I read of this comic. Would have been more amusing had the curses stayed with her body.

  4. BAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA Oh my god that’s pretty funny there. I can’t wait to see where she the albert lands with this hahaha.
    For reals though, it’s totally torture to make us wait a week for a whole new strip!!! Cmon… the fans demand more!

  5. Really? All the curses? What will happen if albert-as-princess invokes *GROW* on princess-as-albert?

    1. Then Albert’s body would grow really big boobies?

    2. he’d have a big prick.

  6. or he’d have a third leg

  7. lol this is awkward nothing sexual here dude’s reading to much into it

  8. Wait, if all the curses or on Albert’s body, what about the one that made boobs grow?

  9. wow all this hate for nothing what next we start rabble rabbleing at the huggies commercials because they show baby butts… lets all start harassing most any tv show with babies or toddlers in it because they sometimes show baby bottoms!. i think if your reading to much into this to see kiddie porn then thats prolly what your trying to see.

  10. on a side note…. still loving this comic and plan to come back every week!

  11. if they now convict for drawings of naked kids then what will be next? drawings of women with small breasts on the claim that encourages pedophilia? Australia has already banned porn with small breasts. they wont stop there. they will want to control movies, comics books everything. then they will burn the books and outlaw the practice of any religion outside of Christianity and put a camera in every home to make sure they are not committing crimes against big brother.

    if people don’t stand up for themselves, our rights and beliefs will be taken away.

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