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#15: The Breast of Intentions

19 thoughts on “#15: The Breast of Intentions

  1. I removed my adblocker on your behalf. Thanks for the boobs.

  2. Oppai extravaganza!
    Wonder what happens next and if the little squirt can currupt her.

  3. Just a thought to consider…
    We’re all ASSUMING that the princess and the little scamp are related as brother and sister… maybe he’s the son of a Duke… or the wizard’s apprentice (a la Camelot, The Sword in the Stone, or similar stories) or somehow a little more distantly related…
    My point is, he can be a prince but not her brother. We’ve never actually heard anyone connect the two of them together that way, have we?
    Food for thought.
    Also… incest is usually defined as ‘sexual intercourse between two persons commonly regarded as too closely related to marry’… but we all know that in the medieval times (Dark Ages, whatever) marriages between two royals as closely related as first cousins was not only NOT frowned upon, it was actually encouraged so as to ensure the ‘purity’ of the family bloodline.
    Heck… even Charles Darwin married his cousin. o.O
    I guess it all depends on how closely related the two of them are… and what defines ‘sexual intercourse’ as to how much hanky-panky they get up to, neh?

    Shall we see what kind of phrases the little prince can come up with?

    That’s one’s for you, Attitude!
    Moo hoo hah haaa! *evil grin*

    1. Well, I’m afraid I HAVE to set the record straight, here: they ARE brother and sister. Albert calls heather “sis” in one of the strips (the one where her hands first come alive and discover all her sweet spots).

      But not to worry, there WILL be some fun situations between bro & sis. I’ll even throw in a scene with Albert standing naked in front of the Wizard. But don’t worry, it’s all clean!



    2. Actually, it WAS frowned upon and there were actual church laws prohibiting marriage between relatives of a certaib degree of proximity – what did happen is that due to politics noble families broke them all the time and they were brought up only when one required an excuse to annul engagements & marriages.

  4. Too handle to hot

    Go Blade! 🙂 How bout pharaohs? Didn’t they get it on with their sisters as well?

    BTW, princess must have *seriously* strong back muscles to cart that load of boobage around.

  5. Actually, in the last panel of ‘Not the boss of me’, Albert refers to Heather as ‘Sis’.

  6. Let’s go for the boob rampage!

  7. anyone noticed the lil’ prince’s hands?
    Jaycee, you should add motion lines to them so people better understand he’s “abra cadabra”ing.

  8. Boing, you mean in panel 3, right? Good point. Wish I’d noticed it before, but it’s kind of late now. Still, I’m taking note of it and will be more vigilant next time. 🙂


  9. First time here and gotta say, this is pretty much child porn. Gross.

  10. How old is the brother and sister?

  11. To all the above commentors. Blogs can be much better to read if You can keep Your comments simple and to the point. No-one likes to read giant comments when the concept can be conveyed using a not as long comment.

  12. Albert is 12 or so. I never settled on a specific age, but he’s at that age where puberty is about to hit. As for Heather, she’s 18. Old enough to be sexually active, and to have full control of the power that brings her. Well, almost full control, these days…

  13. Jaycee, dont listen to the naysayers…incest is best! Besides, its every 12 year olds fantasy to have someone like heather for thier first! So, go for it!!! people like windupboy took enough time on the site to actually comment, instead of just leaving if he REALLY dint like what he saw. he proly had to go peep on his sister in the shower anyway!
    Besides, i dont see what all the hub bub is about, this is a very entertaining series and i for one am not here for pg-13 entertainment, so thanks abunches!!! heh heh heh,,,tee hee!

  14. i also think its great that albert doesnt lose it when he sees the boobs, but does the happy-dance instead and thinks he’s the one who abra-cadabras it with his hands!!!
    i just thought of something…albert proly has already had sex with his royal bathers or something anyway, being a prince and all!

  15. i want albert to make her totally naked, make her masturbate, make her blow him and do him, jaycee! that should really send the naysayers into a snit!!

  16. girls as young as 10 were expected to bear children back in medieval times, heck that’s how it was when people were settling in America,



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