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#14: Power of Logic

19 thoughts on “#14: Power of Logic

  1. Well, he’s a quick one. But what exactly does he plan to do with that knowledge…?

  2. offhand, I’d say make her boobs grow….

  3. Silverjak, you perv! 😉


  4. I can see it now, just HUGE boobs with feet sticking out.. nothing else visible.

  5. Holy hell, that boob growth has been teasing me for weeks.

    1. And it’s going to happen on… *drum roll* November 29!

      Gotta have just a *wee* bit of fun with Heather before that. Just a little…

  6. Image recycling! FOUL!


  7. And there WILL be more original boobage! This was just an attempt at creating a word-less strip. The recycling was just because it was convenient to get the message across. It certainly wasn’t a cost-saving measure. 🙂


  8. so, incest is no taboo here, eh?
    looking forward to some lawless fun.

  9. Hardly. I’m not sure I’m 100% comfortable with incest. This said, nothing says I can’t try to skirt around “The Line,” right? 🙂


  10. I’ve got to agree. Boo on incest. Yay on huge boobs.

  11. ahh let the wizard have the fun. The old perve deserves it .lol

  12. who cares about incest? kids gotta grow up sometime…heh. anyway, dont know about the kid, or the old man, but some dude has gotta do her! Maybe a new paladin character?!? With a female squire nun-like sidekick that gets in on the action, too! There ya go, writing genius for free!!! 😀

  13. perhaps miss fairy needs to have some fun with all these naughty men folk

  14. Pervy little… little…

    Ok, Just how old is the little bugger anyway? I’m guessing early teen’s otherwise he might be ‘Fay-touched’ to be so pervy at such a younger age.
    Either that, Or his Major Male Role Model’s are all such major/obvious pervert’s/horndogs that he’s already managed to pick up on that as acceptable/expected male behavior.

  15. He’s an early teen. He hasn’t had his growth spurt yet, but he’s at an age where things… work. 🙂


  16. Finally! First color page! 🙂 B-)
    Any chance we could expect to see ^colorized^ versions of the older strips added to the archives (in addition to the B&W ones already there)?

    1. No, I’m afraid they’re going to stay B&W. I think it gives the early strips a sense of progression and improvement that you’d lose if everything was colorized. Also, RRPennel’s style works great in B&W, not sure it’d look so good if someone tried to color it.

      “I’m doing it.”


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