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Mean Molly #18

8 thoughts on “Mean Molly #18

  1. Is that it? Is there going to be a prologue?

    1. I’m afraid so. The series wasn’t particularly popular with most members, so I decided to conclude it as best I could. I take it you enjoyed it, then?

      “I’m doing it.”

      1. I did enjoy it… Shame Molly’s arc didn’t finish, I still think you should continue it but with better and more regular updates. That’s my opinion anyway.

  2. I enjoyed it. But for me the frustrating part was the extremely irregular updates, even as other bonus comics were getting updated.

    1. Yeah, I confess, I didn’t do so well with this one. What I now do is to create series completely so I can release them more regularly. But for this one, I wasn’t doing that, and it resulted in very irregular updates.

      “I doing it.”

  3. part of why it wasnt popular was cause it never got updated. :C

    1. I suspect the problem was mostly me. It was a challenge to write and I wasn’t sure it was successful in being sexy and funny. I’ll put it up as a downloadable purchase and see if it gets any interest… If the sales are there, who knows, maybe I’ll restart it.

      “I’m doing it.”

  4. This was a very entertaining read. Good stuff, Jaycee!

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