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Li Fang Fei #35

5 thoughts on “Li Fang Fei #35

  1. Hehe Denied!!!

  2. At least she’s an honest little thing!

    1. I know, right? There’s something that just cracks me up about her candid air of defeat… Not all faerie plans work out. In fact, they’re really not very good at scheming (or at least, this one clearly isn’t).

      “I’m doing it.”

  3. Technically The last one could make him rich If he could turn any woman into his private sex slave, all he would have to do is go after rich women and then after they were slaves get them to sign over all their wealth or not get sex and then he would get rich.

    1. There’s a reason he’s a hobo. Creativity isn’t his strong suit. And the faerie just doesn’t think this way.

      But yeah, I know plenty of people who could make a LOT of money this way. I’m sure, that being the result of faerie magic, however, that it might not come without some unexpected troubles.

      “I’m doing it.”

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