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#19: How Do You Like ‘Em Apples!

25 thoughts on “#19: How Do You Like ‘Em Apples!

  1. I am in love with her boobs.

  2. ^ wholeheartedly agreed

  3. I knew it! A Booby Trap! (At least it closed the prince’s Trap pretty well…heh…)

  4. It’s kinda creepy that he’s into his sister’s boobs(Lame pun).

    Then again, royals back then were into incest.

    Anyway, another great strip, keep up the good work.

  5. Also, she looks cute all smug like that in the last panel. It’s nice that she got some payback, though the kid probably sees it as win-win.

  6. Well, he’s a boy, so yeah, he’s into boobs. The fact they’re attached to his sister is just an inconvenience. Notice, however, that of ALL the things he could have demanded, he’s gone for something pretty harmless.

    I know what *I* would do to Heather if I was in his shoes… 😉

  7. Yes, that’s the point, but that’s a lose/lose situation, no ?

  8. she must have a pretty strong back with that marshmallows. but from what? a princess never had to lift heavy stuff…

    on a side note, who heard of the boy who was suffocated by two pillows like her’s?

  9. Too handle to hot

    Oh, boing, to die like that…. :))

    I’d have them carve my tombstone “Death by boobage”

    Yes, I’d come back from the dead to instruct them what to carve.

  10. Amazing! I love this picture! Can you make her wear a push-up bra in that size?

  11. Boing, maybe faerie magic can make them grow bigger without weight increase?

  12. i love how despite his impending suffocation, he’s got a finger up to hold off any help just yet!!! Albert will make a fine King someday!
    royals DID go for incest back then, so albert and heather should be no exception! as funny as this strip is, i’m expecting this to go much farther, even all the way. albert plus the faeries: heather cant stand up to that!!
    to shut his sister up, he could put “lil albert” in her mouth and get a group thing goin with the faeries!!! hooray for boobies!!!

  13. @Jayce

    I guess you have a point. Heck, while he probably wants to mess with her a bit, he probably doesn’t want to hurt her or anything.

    1. @Jakob You’re absolutely correct, Albert may hate her guts for everything she’s ever done to him, but deep down, he’s a good kid and wouldn’t do anything that would cause her irreparable harm.

      But he’s got ABSOLUTELY no problems causing her tremendous embarrassment. 😉

  14. Are the forums, er, dead? The link at the top isn’t there anymore, and while I have the URL someplace, they look all messed up now (the theme is broken). Posting still works, though.

  15. Incest ? No : They sometimes married COUSINS, not brothers or sisters.

  16. @ Kita — yes, the forums are very much dying. The software plugin had always been twitchy and problem-prone, and that last update was just the straw that broke (my) camel’s back. I’m in the process of switching all scripts & roughs to a separate members-only page, and will see if there’s still a need for the forums. They weren’t VERY active, so I’m not sure that was a great value to most members…


  17. I know the forums haven’t gotten much use yet, but I’d like to see them in the future. I think it’d be a great way for members to discuss their preferences and maybe come to a consensus of sorts about what we’d like to see in the future, rather than separately e-mailing you a half-dozen different ideas.

    Anyways, this is an awesome strip. Simply awesome.

  18. Beautiful.

    But, not to be picky, shouldn’t that be a candle over her head rather than a light bulb?

  19. Good catch. I’m just not sure that in comic language a candle would have properly expressed the “light bulb moment” she’s having…


    1. maybe its just some ‘crackpot’ experiment that the wizard preformed and showed off a few years ago.
      I mean there are discoveries of supposed ‘Recent advanced Technologies’ in ancient cultures, all the time. Batteries, for example, are actual a B.C. technology of the middle east. so the concept of a middle age incadesent light that never caught on due to expense/various reasons, is not as far-fetched as it might seem. 🙂

  20. Well, maybe the wizard has imported some off-dimension technology, like Suthaze in Snarfquest…so maybe the lightbulb makes sense too…

  21. didnt pay to much attention to that, but now that my nose bleeds because it got pushed into it i say it should be a chandalier or an open fireplace.

  22. This, also, is on Tv Tropes. 🙂 I thinks its under the heading ‘Marshmellow Hell’ 😉

  23. Apparently, what her hands have been saying ^can^ be heard by ^everyone^ – not just themselves/each_other.

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