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#12: Collector’s Item

5 thoughts on “#12: Collector’s Item

  1. so, the hanky is actually the Wizards??

    Or is it he just pick it up from Heather’s room and assume it was her’s later on???

    maybe he’s just senile and forgot about it later on. Course, it could be that Dreaded Story Element, THE PLOT HOLE!!! *DA-DUH-DU-NNNNNN…*

  2. It’s not the hanky that’s special, it’s what it was used to wipe… 😉



    That wizard is a hero.

  4. PenelopePepperPants

    Lol… is that a Gwen on the wall or an Owen? 🙂

    1. It’s a Gwen, but you’re right, Owen would’ve been helluva funny!


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