#531: Chapter 07 – Page 02

11 thoughts on “#531: Chapter 07 – Page 02

  1. I fear she might be beyond the point where a spanking would fix her attitude.

  2. A spanking would probably IMPROVE her attitude. The Highbeam Headlamps prove that! She obviously senses his arousal; it’s only a matter of time.

    1. Or it would give her ideas and by the end of the day everybody in the castle would be cooling off their sore buttocks in the castle moat.

      Which would be okay I suppose.

  3. Ok,… just food for thought… now how would Princess Alberta look with that dress and hairstyle?

    1. Grumpy.

      1. Thta’s exactly the storyline I was hoping for,… LOL!! Maybe in the not in the distant future,…

      2. Sorry for the typo’s,… That’s exactly the storyline I was hoping for,… LOL!! Maybe in the not so distant future,

        1. Have you noticed the top article on the main page?

        2. What do you mean Travan?

        3. Alberta is naked on the main page.

        4. YES!! That’s kinda what I’d like to see!

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