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Bloomin’ Faeries! #379

11 thoughts on “Bloomin’ Faeries! #379

  1. Still a little lost, and I can’t wait to be found.

  2. I don’t know what “psst psst psst” expands to, but based on the graphics in that last panel I’d guess Heather is also involved.

  3. Are they giving them fairy wings?

    1. My guess is they took the curses off Chrystal and put them on Heather, because, you know, why the hell not? 😛

  4. Nah, they’re probably gonna share life-forces between the two of them…and probably orgasms, growth, curses, all SORTS of fun times. 🙂

    1. The Phantom's Belch

      I’d lay money on this. Of course, there might also be a distance limit between them now, which means Crystal is probably now bound to the castle and surrounding areas…. Which makes her a semi-regular now. 🙂

    2. Thought the same, but more one the orgasmn side and shared senses.

  5. A Spider did it ? ..what she is Spider-woman ? O.o

    Of course lets bond her to Heather who probably doesn’t want a symbiotic relationship with the person who kinda ruined her childhood O.o

    I am still waiting a proper explaination other than ” oh she was a fairy that somehow got turned into a human but lost something of hers and now dying. ” it doesn’t excuse the things she had done.

    1. From earlier in the comic we learned that Faeries are frightened of spiders, but it was never explained why.

  6. I guess we’re gonna see how a (former) fairy re-earns her wings.

  7. Every time a bimbo creams, a fairy gets her wings.

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