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Bloomin’ Faeries! #347

26 thoughts on “Bloomin’ Faeries! #347

  1. Hmm, last time we saw him he was willing to do his sister but she had left. I wonder who he ended up finding?

  2. ‘While you work’ makes it sound like Albert ordered someone to… :-/

    Annnd it seems Cristal is fine with a technical acceptance of her apologies.

    1. No, that’s just Crystal being crystal-clueless

  3. Awwwww. Crystal means well.

    1. D’you recall where Dr. Johnson said good intentions were used for paving?

      1. I didn’t say it was a GOOD thing.

  4. Maybe I’m overthinking this, but maybe for some reason she HAS to be forgiven for what she’s done in the past and has engineered these sexy scenarios so the people she needs forgiveness from will say “yes” without really paying attention to what she’s saying.

    1. That was my thought. That, or she’s so vain and shallow she’s “lawyering” asking forgiveness.

  5. I never understood why porn stars screamed when cumming. Everyone I’ve been with has been comparatively quiet when cumming.

    1. Every male you’ve been with, or female you’ve been with? Males are usually quiet, sure, though there are some screamer males. If a female is quiet, it’s either not that good, or she’s biting her lip really hard. Okay, okay there are a few quiet-cummers, but in my experience, they just haven’t been in the right place sort of situation.

    2. They scream because that’s the only way they can convey the idea that they are actually orgasming, when in fact they are not.

      And Artimus, I have made a point of bringing my female partners to orgasm during coitus, and I know when it occurs. The amount of screaming that goes on has been minimal across multiple partners and multiple decades.

      Perhaps you’ve just been with a bunch of over-actors?

      1. Woman here. I’m a screamer. Maybe people should stop thinking they know everything about women because they’ve had sex a few times and have overinflated ideas of how “good” they are at sex. Sexual vocalizations in women are usually done for the pleasure of the partner. That doesn’t mean they’re “faking” when it happens. It’s part of the process of enjoying sex. Being responsible helps a partner to know what we ourselves enjoy. It’s encouragement to keep doing that.

        And some women get loud when we’re cumming because we stop thinking about volume control due to the fact we are orgasming our brains out.

        Women vary across a wide range of behaviors and preferences, like every other human being on the planet. It’s highly unlikely you’ve been with a significant enough number of women AND done enough of what many women with many different tastes wanted to know with certainty what most/all women do or do not like. Some women like anal. Some don’t. Some like having their breasts touched. Some couldn’t care less. Some are so sensitive they CAN’T enjoy having them touched. Some are so sensitive they have a harder time getting off if they don’t get their titties played with, and some can get off solely from their boobs.

        Some women vocalized a lot when having sex. Some don’t. Most fall somewhere inbetween, with it depending on many factors, not just their partner. Trying to stay quiet intentionally is usually done when not wanting to alert other people, for example. For some, it’s culturally enforced to keep their pleasure noises to a minimum. For some, maybe they aren’t enjoying it and their quietness is a sign you aren’t impressing them.

        It all depends on the individual, not sweeping statements about the entire sex.

        1. PrincessPaladine

          responsive* not responsible 😛

        2. Thanks for jumping in. I always love to hear from our female readers, especially when they enlighten us cro-magnons ( 🙂 ) on the female perspective of sex. We may sleep with you, but we can’t know what it’s like to be you, so getting that kind of insight (as far as I’m concerned) is always great!

          “I’m doing it.”

        3. And just to add- some of us don’t want to wake the kids!

          Otherwise I pretty much second everything Princess P said. Oft my attention is on other things going on, and screaming would just , I dunno, change the mood. Sighs, whispers, intake of breath- you don’t need to scream to signify that you like it. 🙂

        4. Yes, yes. This is why I said “The amount of screaming that goes on has been minimal,” note the difference from saying that it has been “non-existent.” Because it does happen, it’s just just that porn is nothing at all like most sexual relations.

          I would have hoped that I would not need to fall all over myself making qualifying statements just to actually make a statement that isn’t going to be challenged as being inaccurate. But I see that for some this appears to be necessary just to hold the conversation in the first place. I wonder why this might be the case?

          I shared my own life experience, and challenging me on that is no different than calling me a liar. While I’m not Hugh Hefner I have been in this business for decades and with a wide variety of partners of varying ages and ethnicity. And in my experience I have received more frequent and louder exclamations at the dinner table after preparing a meal for my partner than I have in the bedroom. And I’ve had no complaints in either arena.

        5. I’m not sure anyone challenged your life experience, they just presented their own perspective on the issue. Everyone’s experience is different, no one holds the absolute truth, and I doubt anyone thought you were lying.

          I love that readers of this comic feel comfortable enough to share their intimate experiences in these comments. It’s one of the surprising boons I’ve received from publishing this comic and I certainly hope it continues.

          “I’m doing it.”

    3. Some sex partners are screamers. Some are moaners.

      Once I even had a whistler.

      1. Do we even want to know where the whistling came from da Doctah? 😛

  6. I don’t think thats how forgiveness works O.o

  7. She really doesnt have a good sense of tack does she?

    Then again she might suspect that their won’t realy be a time her cousins ‘aren’t’ having sex one way or the other sooooo….

    1. As long as both she and the faeries are in the castle there probably WON’T be. After they leave, sure. Not that this makes it any easier for her to have a conversation with her cousins…

    2. tact*

      1. Th82;&#er17es nothing better than reading true stories of how different people made it. I have to be honest. While I kept flirting with Kindle for a while now, your post made me want to really go for it in 2012. I think I’ll add it to my goals for 2012 – write a novel to be published on Kindle in 2012. We’ll see how it goes Thank you very much for posting this!

  8. Hmm, original faerie slave is the one twigging that something is ‘off’? o_O

  9. Albert obvious gets pleasure from sex, despite his penis being magically its own person.

    So I’m finding the rationale used for him having sex with his sister even more disturbing now.

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