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Bloomin’ Faeries! #344

12 thoughts on “Bloomin’ Faeries! #344

  1. Hmm. Does Crystal have concentration issues, or a poor time remembering people because they generally mean so little to her…?

  2. “I have to…” Apologise? Surely not! 🙂

  3. I guess Heather is enjoying this new curse a little too much. Though can we call it a curse if the people who receives it enjoys it and abuses it to their advantage? lol

    1. If it devours their whole life and potentially leaves them open to public disgrace, venereal disease and/or unwanted pregnancy? Sure, we can. ^_^

      1. Disgrace if other kingdoms know about it? Yes, but disgrace in her iown kingdom? I dunno about that, at least half of them don’t seem to mind if she wants to sleep around with them. lol

        1. Well… Her parents don’t seem to have found out yet.

  4. Ok so is it because Crystal can’t get aroused even by magic that caused the horny spell bounced back?

    1. Easier explanation is probably that Crystal told Busty to use any spell on Heather that Heather wanted her to use on her.

  5. I think Crystal cursed her cousin when she was younger, out of jealousy. The cost was her bust and own sexual pleasure. Now she’s trying to make it right.

    1. She does not appear to be at all envious of larger chests or the ability to experience carnal pleasure…

  6. This just reminds me how disappointing it was when heather walked away from albert -_-

  7. Go Heather, go! 😀

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