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Bloomin’ Faeries! #338

17 thoughts on “Bloomin’ Faeries! #338

  1. haha, wow, wow and nice.

    1. Patience seems to agree right now…

  2. You know, Patience’s patience might come at an end after dealing with this royal family… I mean she literally at the point of ”Go f*ck yourself ”

  3. The Phantom's Belch

    Some faerie is getting jealous of Busty!

    Part of me wants to see a purely male Patience now, and have “him” hook up permanently with fem!Lucky. 😉

  4. I wonder how the magic penis will react to two completely different desires that contradict each other?

  5. “It does everything *anybody* wants.”

    Hmm… I think I spy the first seed of Crystal’s undoing.

    1. So if somebody wishes it to, um, pleasure Crystal, it would snake out like a garden hose to its target?

  6. I assume “it” is the invisidick?

  7. Waiting (im)patiently for Crystal to get cracked, the faeries use to be fun, now she has me wanting to be Hoggle with a flyspray

    1. <3 <3 <3 Labyrinth Ref! I love Hogwart! Hogbottom! Hogshead!


      And yes. Yes indeed, I second that re: Crystal.

    2. Heh, Ive been wondering how Eiram will factor into this story since they were kinda in the middle of that situation before Crystal became the focus. I assume she has to play some part or there is a plot hole hanging out there like a DC storyline facing a reboot.

  8. Ah ha ha ha … ok, that can’t possibly go wrong. XD

    … until someone wishes that Patience fucks Crystal in the butt!

    1. Which raises the question who “someone” should be. Heather is the obvious choice. given their past relationship, but I think I’d prefer that wish to come from a totally unexpected quarter (if Marie it’d be a wish made with good intention, which appears to mirror the way Crystal herself operates).

      1. Could always have The Lurker do it.

        1. Why would I do such a thing?
          I am the one that claims that Crystal is just misunderstood, remember?

          After all, she’s been spreading around the wonderful gift of boobage. Just ask Choppy 🙂

    2. Can’t see that happening: the gnats work by twisting the meaning of the wishes, and that would be a direct wish, which, if anything, would result in the opposite happening

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