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Bloomin’ Faeries! #337

13 thoughts on “Bloomin’ Faeries! #337

  1. Patience is headed for unconscious, a coma… or death. 0_0

    And so is Lucky.

  2. So– I guess Crystal and Busty just told Patience to go fuck herself….

    1. Kind of reminds you of Herman and Velvet, doesn’t it? Albeit without the show tunes…

      1. Shame. I LIKE show tunes. 🙂

        1. *There’s a bright golden laze on the palace!
          There’s a bright golden glaze on the palace!
          There’s wall to wall sex
          Cos of Faerie-Folk hex,
          And the servants and nobles
          Are reduced to orgasmical wrecks-!

          OH! What a beautiful princess!
          OH! What a beautiful maid!
          I’ve got a wonderful feeling
          Ev’ryone’s gonna get laid!*

        2. You evil bastard…that was BRILLIANT! *dances!*

        3. *golf clap* Well done.

        4. Well done, sir, well done.

          *takes a bow*

          “I’m doing it.”

  3. It troubles me somewhat that Crystal has, since her return, not done anything to her cousins beyond her usual passive-aggressive psychological warfare. Despite having a couple of cooperative faeries in tow, no magical shenanigans for relatives. Oh sure, transform a bunch of strangers physically and manipulate their urges, but hands off the prince and princess?

    1. She’s saving the worst for last, I’ll wager.

      1. Exactly. What’s bothering me about it is waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  4. Crystal is actually a nice person, she’s just misunderstood.
    Most of what she’s done brought joy the beneficiaries (the “tiny boobs” one was an outlier)

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