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#65: You Can Ring My Be-E-Ell!

37 thoughts on “#65: You Can Ring My Be-E-Ell!

  1. …clit piercing with a bell on it?

  2. You know i’m all for fun but i’m starting to feel a bit sorry for the Princess, it’s like this faery has a grudge or something.. all the people in the Kingdom and she seems to only torment the Princess.

    1. The princess may be a nasty, spoiled brat, but I wouldn’t wish that faerie onher either. Still, she’s not the only victim; hitting up the mirror with those temporary reality-warping powers was a sure way for her to cause even more chaos without having to be there herself.

  3. So, what’s next? Is the faerie messing with the princess’ biological clock so she will either have orgasms or become unstoppable aroused at set intervals, or due to specific triggers?

    Can I just say that seeing those faeries fly into people is one of the creepiest aspects of this comic?

    1. Guessing an urge for mr double cannons every time the bell tolls. lol.

  4. It seems the mirror is still upset.

    I wonder whether it still has reality-warping power, and whether that could be used against the faeries… Probably not, but it’s fun to think it could.

    1. The mirror’s reality warping powers have expired. That’s why the prince and the maid reverted back to normal a while back.

      1. I thought the mirror just couldn’t cause permanent changes, only temporary ones.

        1. Exactly. The changes were temporary because they were all set to wear off at the end of the faerie’s spell.

  5. I’m starting to wonder what’s happening with the young prince. I’m going to assume that when he de-aged after his escapade with the maid, he lost all memory of what happened while he was an adult.

    1. That story thread, I’m afraid, is being continued in the members area. As well as many of Heather sexual misadventures.


      1. …well crap. So I’ll have to get in some overtime to sponsor my faerie addiction? Cause the suspense of not knowing what happened to Marie is killing me.
        PS: hope the faerie is not messing with the princesses cervix.

        1. To be honest, there hasn’t been much about Marie in the Members Area either. Don’t want to mislead you, here… But I *am* thinking about throwing a little Marie in the mix, now. 🙂


      2. That actually makes me very sad. I’ve been wanting to know what has been happening as well. 🙁 I don’t have enough extra cash to get members access.

        1. Oh, all right, I’ll throw in some Marie soon… Had no idea she was THIS popular… 😛


        2. Marie’s a wonderful character.

        3. Absolutely! Out of all the characters in the comic Marie is the most sympathetic character and the one I think we all want to see things turn out well for in the end. Sir Thane, Princess Heather, Two-Gun and his dad, we enjoy seeing them get what’s coming to them because they deserve a little chaos in their lives. Marie, she’s a true sweetheart, a loyal, humble servant who toiled dutifully day after dreary day at her job serving the stuck-up princess. Then one day she receives the inestimable gift of beauty and sexual desirability, only to have it yanked away from her after but a few hours. Her story is a tragedy. She doesn’t deserve that. I’m sure we would all like to see her receive the happy ending she truly deserves.

  6. Heh. Anita Ward reference for the win. 😀

  7. …Did the faerie fly up her…….*Ahem* tender area?

    1. Actually, from the point of entry, she flew DOWN to her tender area. But that’s just nit picking (or is it nitpicking? Personally, I think it’s nitpicking). The answer you’re looking for is: “yes.”


      1. Then i guess that means her relationship with Heather is much more intimate now.

        Being that small seems to have it’s advantages.

        1. I wonder. Would this count as rape?

        2. Most def. No means no, even if the offending party doesn’t bother to ask.
          Although, come to think of it, definition of rape changed through times and is different across cultures. Needless to point out rape used to be considered spoils of war rather than a crime.
          I think from our POV this could be considered at least as unwanted sexual attention.
          Or perhaps it’s wanted, from what we’ve seen of the fair princess she doesn’t mind a bit of excess. Or perhaps we’re judging her unfairly, just because she did not mind other advances, perhaps she minds the pesky fairy? Hm, what a complex thing to consider.

          …aaand I think I just found a topic for my next paper. Awright!

  8. Let’s see…if I was a faerie with that sense of humor…

    I think the princess may wind up with a clock in her tummy…then she’ll always give the Duke the “Time of day” (Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!)

    1. that or its a set up to the members comic where her curse with the bell tone orgasms

  9. Lot’s of interresting idears about what our favorite fairy is doing down under, but seems no one is taking into account that the wish was for a “home” .. so, and I’m not sure why, I have a freeky feeling that the prinsess just turned into a walking condo.. 😀

    1. O.o
      Condo… So a bedroom in the uterus, kitchen in the liver, bathroom (pardon the reference) in kidneys?

      Seriously? The thought made me throw up a bit.

      And woot for bringing Marie back! I’d want to put a full colour poster in my office, but I fear it’d get too many strange comments from the fellows 😀

      1. with you there as long as she is in her fairy made over form

      2. The thought of the princess’ insides being turned into a wee little house is disturbing…

        1. There’s not enough alcohol in the world to erase this mental image now it’s been planted. Curse you Dims! When the world is mine your death shall be prolonged in inventive ways.

  10. The only thing I can think of is that the fairy is going to give her 2 ”yahooooooos” so that she can only get off when ”both” her bells are rung 🙂

    1. =_= It didn’t seem like she was having trouble using just the two orifices she was provided at birth…

    2. I think you’re overestimating the faerie’s attention span. There’s a good chance she was gone before he said those words. We know for a fact she was reacting to “time of day”, we don’t know whether or not she even heard the word “home”.


    anyway, someones seen to many of those weird merlin episodes?
    just yesterday i read up one episode featured on a trash channel’s coloumn where a fae has “infected” a royal’s bride.

  12. I thought maybe the fairy was going to do something seriously nasty and rotten when I saw her point of entry. I thought that maybe she was going to do some sperm wrangling and cattle drive them to the “Egg coral”.

  13. Bun in the over?

    1. lol Oven i mean 😀

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