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#48: It Will Be Legen… Wait For It!

14 thoughts on “#48: It Will Be Legen… Wait For It!

  1. What I like, is that you show so much, without showing so much. 😉

    1. Glad you noticed. The original version had the sheets much lower, which showed a little too much for my taste. Wondollar was kind enough to redraw it this way, which I’m very happy with.


  2. Ya know whats funniest about this… He is totally banging her on his sisters bed XD

  3. I see vibration lines on the bed in frame 2.
    Nice attention to detail.

    1. What about the bouncing crown? No one notices the bouncing crown… 😉


      1. I totally notied the bouncing crown! Freaking awesome 😀

  4. huh looks like the mirror won that round 😛

    1. Wanna bet?


    2. Hey, when it’s simultaneous, everybody wins!

  5. a nice activety for spectators of live banging. betting who cums first.
    my bet is they’ll cum at the same time.

    1. I’m guessing it’s something you do when you’ve become a bit blasé about it. 😉


  6. If this was a coin toss, I think I’d call ‘edge’

  7. You know, I’ve been following several web comics recently, all of which have/had some level of ‘naughty-ness” going on, and now with this one I’m not sure what to think in the end.

    I was attracted to “Menage a 3” because of the liberal use of bare boobs early on, and Zii’s various sexual escapades. It doesn’t show as much nudity as it used to, and has always tried to weave some kind of storyline into it all the same.

    “Yet Another Fantasy Gamer Comic” also had liberal use of nudity early on, but has pretty much abandoned it now in favor of more-or-less ‘serious’ storylines (with the rare, occasional topless/nude female shown). I’m still interested in it despite that, though.

    “Exiern” had a lot of “PG-13” T&A in its early days (never signed up for the uncensored stuff), and some pretty good comedy making fun of some Fantasy tropes (particularly involving female barbarians ^_^). Lately though it has also taken more of a ‘serious’ turn, and I’m not sure if I like it as much now.

    This comic is at the opposite end of the spectrum from “YAFGC” or “Exiern”; its always been focused on sexual innuendo comedy, and hasn’t turned away from showing Tits and Ass at all (not that I’m complaining ^_^).

    However, after the past several strips that are pretty much a ‘porn scene’, I wonder if I want a bit more seriousness from this strip as well.

  8. Cue princess-and-Aidan bursting in to use the bed!

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