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#47: Blows and Counterblows

8 thoughts on “#47: Blows and Counterblows

  1. Heh. love how the crown doesnt grow.

  2. all this on Heather’s bed… she’s gonna freak when she finds out those stains are from the maid and her “little” brother…

  3. Eh, as she is now, she’d probably wantin on making new stains on her bed. 😀

  4. meh. where is the catch?

  5. I think they are rather sweet together. Seems that the grown up prince can be quite a gentleman.

  6. he’s quite experienced for someone who never had sex

    1. That, or she’s SO sensitive that even clumsy-but-enthusiastic virgin attempts are doing it for her. 🙂


      1. I vote mirror inspired assistance.

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