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#45: I Wanna Hold Your Hand

10 thoughts on “#45: I Wanna Hold Your Hand

  1. oh… ooooh…. oooh yeeeeaaaah! 😀

  2. hell… its about time!

  3. Albert *isn’t* a midget?
    He’s destined to grow up to be a hunk?

    The mirror didn’t say anything other than an older body and mind.

  4. then at midnight, albert will realize he was an overweight, middleaged woman’s boytoy, and the maid will find out she just took a 9 year-old’s virginity. XD

  5. hm.. not really more “sexy times”

  6. I really like her expression on the first panel, all eager and happy.

  7. @Jayessell: At least has the -potential- to look like that. I mean, if he does exercise and takes care of himself. If he doesn’t, is hard that he gets that body, obviously the mirror made him age in the ‘best’ way. XD

  8. I think we are about to reach the “climax” of our story. lol

    1. BA-da-boom… TCHHH!!!

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