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#44: What’s Behind Codpiece Number One?

29 thoughts on “#44: What’s Behind Codpiece Number One?

  1. DO IT DO IT!

  2. Aidan seems to smile a LOT! Not that I can blame him right now. 🙂

  3. Panel 2 is awesome–great shot of the breasts, and Heather’s expression is solid GOLD! I hope this transformation lasts a long time.

  4. Well….this is getting interesting…

  5. i really really like the intermediate state in panel 2. okay, the hair is weird, but whatever.

  6. Let us already see some penetration action… 😉

  7. Yep she’s gonna see his Twin-Cannon.

    1. see it? heck the way this is going she will feel it.

  8. I wanna see his twin cannons too!!!!

  9. Twin cannons? I highly doubt that.
    Uh-Oh and Klang do not bode well except for the possibility of a magic induced team switch …..

    So what will all the disappointed fan-boys say now?

  10. She doesn’t FEEL Aiden’s actions in panel 2? Lemme tell ya, that’d send ME through the roof.

    ….and that’s all i have to say about that.

  11. Also, transition phase is probably the hottest, in my opinion. I loooove girls with chokers, spiked ones are even better.

  12. Time to attempt some biological docking maneuvers eh?

  13. I would be truly happy if this comic updated more than once a week :/

    1. The day I break even on producing this strip, I’ll definitely increase the frequency. So far, I’m cumulating an annual deficit in the thousands of $US, so it’s a pretty big gamble to try and go to 2 strips a week. It may work, but I just can’t justify the risk. I’m getting there, though.

      If you DO want more strips, there are a few more in the Members Area, and I’m adding around 2 a month. They’re done by PortalComic (known for their comics on, and they look just fantastic. And by the looks of it, they may become a bit more explicit than what’s on the front page…


      1. That’s it, you said it! I’m going to hold you to it, Jaycee 😉

        Seriously, I think that’s a great move. This is a fun strip to follow, and being a member is one of those things where I can’t wait to see *more* of everything.

  14. My guess? We are going to get something else next. Maybe prince and maid maybe something completely different. We got Heather 3 times at row now…

  15. that poll is missing something … sexy stuff without paying.

  16. what EXACTLY is in the members area? please, i hate cock teasing. i love the art and humor, but if this went to “more strip” and “less tease”, i would be member this minute!!! i HATE pg-13!!!

    1. Right now, the Members Area doesn’t offer anything more graphic than what’s on the front page. I’ve always maintained rather strict “decency” rules about what I was going to display on Bloomin’ Faeries! While the strip is NSFW, you’ll never see bodily fluids or any below-the-belt genitalia. There’s naked boobs and groping a-plenty, but it’s just not going to be hardcore pornographic.

      The poll I’ve posted was to see if there was an INTEREST in making some BF! stuff more graphic. I figured, if the reception was lukewarm, I’d drop the whole idea. The sheer number of people actively in FAVOR of it surprises me a little (though, really, it shouldn’t!). So now I’ve got a dilemma on my hands, and some hard thinking to do over the weekend.


      1. Haha….hard thinking.

  17. i kinda dont want it i mean i can get porn anywhere i keep coming her for the story not the nsfw’ness if you do make it more pornographic plez make it in its own sec away from the main storyline

    1. As I mentioned elsewhere, the main (public) page is never going to get more heated/pornographic than what’s been shown before. If it’s EVER going to happen, it’ll be in the Members Area, away from prying (children’s) eyes, and even there, probably hidden behind a warning page.

      And there’s still a big “IF” in there. I don’t want to betray the people who became members with a certain set of expectations, or who don’t want to be exposed (even accidentally) to this kind of stuff.


  18. thanks jc for the explanation. being somewhat of a nube to computer jargon, what does NSFW and BF mean, please? at any rate, i guess i’ll wait on my decision until after i hear what your decision is. i understand where chad is coming from when he states we can get porn anywhere! for me its not the porn issue so much as seeing these particular characters and storyline going to thier “ultimate” goals, so to speak. for me, the issue is that ‘i hate pg-13 cockteases’ ! for the consumer its maddening to get really into the strip, then wait a whole week for another strip that either goes somewhere else or deflates the anticipation(which happens 50% of the time)! i always come back after i’ve ‘gotten over it’ for a couple of weeks, so its not that big a deal! i just dont want the same thing if im going to be a member, thats all. my comments are a result of my reading all the other comments i could access here regarding this issue from the same perspective, so as to not seem out of line.

    anyway, i hope you decide to make a section in the members area, secure, that pg-13 cocktease lovin ‘ members dont have to access if they dont want to, and for us ‘ass-lovers’ to go to all the time! then you can set the cost of memebership to whatever you wish and i will pay it!!! 😀 hope to hear from you soon!
    thanks for all your work! you are appreciated!!

    1. NSFW = Not Safe For Work. Usually used to describe content you wouldn’t want to be caught watching at work.

      BF = Bloomin’ Faeries! 🙂

      To answer your comment, I need to differentiate the sex act, and the raw DEPICTION of said act. BF has no problems with having people have sex (it’s coming, it’s coming!), but that doesn’t mean we have to zoom in on the “interface” action and show it in all its glory. I’ve never been a fan of pure porn, so BF’s angles reflect that. The free strip will always remain that way.

      Having said this, there’s always an economic reality at work behind the scenes. I respect (and try to maintain) artistic integrity, but sometimes, compromise is a great survival strategy. Not that the strip is at risk of disappearing, but I’m always on the lookout for ways to make it more viable and provide everyone with more content. So that’s the angle, right now.

      As for the rest, thanks for expressing your opinion and for your kind words about the work we do here. 🙂


      1. I always thought the depiction of actual copulation in porn to be 99% unrealistic. In real life, the actual in/out/in/out is hard to see unless those engaged in it are contorting themselves into a fairly uncomfortable position for the sole purpose of keeping it visible.

        I think one of the prerequisites to be a porn star is to be a contortionist…and try to make it look easy. Let’s face it, if most normal people tried some of those positions, they’d be sure to pull a muscle or sprain something.

  19. Keep seeing comments of Twin Cannons. It will be quite funny to see the reactions of those, when we learn of his curse that gave him two, had to divide the total “length” he should have had. So instead of the so called “cannons”, the poor Duke just has a “couple buttons on a fur coat.”


    1. That doesn’t sound like the Faeries’ style though…I’d think they’t be more likely to double their size instead…And he can give them nicknames you know, “King Dong” and “The Penetrator”

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