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#40: The Hottest of Them All, You Said

26 thoughts on “#40: The Hottest of Them All, You Said

  1. Um, yeah. Maybe when he’s a bit older. Think you could manage that for us Mirror?

  2. Not to be a party pooper, this will still be pretty EFFING hilarious…but technically the kid’ll still be…a child >.> in the body of an adult o.o

    1. I’d have to say that the fact that no female teacher has served more than a year for just this crime points to how wrong you are when it comes to a male.

      Now me personally I’m holding out from the Prince and the maid verses the maid and the shemale.

  3. If this is going where I think it’s going, than AWWEESSOOME!

  4. Wait, are we heading back to strips featuring the prince? Are we? Please tell me we are. Please, please, please tell me we are because they were the best! (And the wee prince was the funniest.) And there’s nothing wrong with a bit of foul-play featuring the fair prince, either. (I have to say that the art this week is fantastic. Keep up the good work!)

    1. Eh, i prefer the princess, the mirror and the maid more personally.

    2. Though i think this arc is mainly about Heather and the Maid. Which is going great so far.

    3. Yup, we’re going to see some “princely action” again. I really like using Albert a lot, because while he’s usually the victim of Heather’s malice, he’s not completely innocent himself. Given an opportunity (like most males), he’s a bit of a pervert and doesn’t mind acting on it (like we’ve seen before). So yeah, more Albert soon!


  5. It seems the Prince is about to get aged up by the mirror.

    Heh, i’m enjoying the maid’s transformation and the princess amazon transformation.

  6. what’s with the mirror’s smile?

  7. Think about it. heather’s maid? Gets all hot and lusty. Heather herself…gets all muscly and manly…do the math people! >:D

    1. Oooh, SOMEONE has a perverse imagination!!!


      1. I saw a glass slipper when the maid was transformed. I smell midnight Cinderella reversal. What I WON’T speculate on is the exact nature of the hilarity that ensues. XD

  8. Ehehehe! >:D

  9. One lucky bastard…

  10. Onee-shota INCOMING! I hope the mirror doesn’t age him.

  11. Well done, Mirror(Jaycee)! Love Marie’s new look!

    And definitely looking forward to things to.. ahem.. come. 😉

  12. Wow, you guys REALLY like Marie! Or at least, I THINK you do. In the last few months, the Monday traffic would generally be the highest of the week, and peak around 20,000 pageviews in a single day.

    Yesterday, it rocketed up to 37,000 pageviews. Considering the early flood of comments, combined with this massife traffic, I can only conclude you guys rushed to the page to see what had happened to Marie. Looks like what was just a bit of whimsy on my part has struck some kind of nerve!

    I’d love to hear what you guys like so much about her. Share!!!


    1. olive skin? check
      brown hair? hmm, ok.
      cute face? hell, check
      thick, cherry red lips? hmmmm.
      big tits? eh.
      half exposed ass? why not!

      1. I meant, BEFORE she was changed. A throng of people showed up to check out this strip, not knowing what she looked like. Was that just curiosity, or was there an underlying interest in the character?


        1. it’s a little bit of both Jaycee, seeing what she looked like before and what she looked like now could really pick up some interest.

          and from what people are demandingsuggesting guessing with what Mirror going to do with Prince Albert and miss maid-sexy. I wouldn’t be surprise if it pass 37,000 pageviews.

        2. To elaborate on what I wrote in the member’s forum, I have four theories to why this was so popular.

          1. She got it all. Young, thin, tall, pretty and busty. There’s something for everyone in that mix.

          2. She deserved it. She wasn’t a bitch getting her comeuppance. She was an kind underdog who was given a break.

          3. She needed it. Unlike princess “big breasts get even bigger” Heather, Marie was fat-becomes-thin, aging-becomes-young, plain-becomes-beautiful. That’s much more interesting, because it also implies a change of role. I personally starve for this kind of change, because in most BE art I find nowadays the “before” picture is so big I wish it was the “after” picture, and the “after” picture is just ridiculous.

          4. She wanted it. From a storytelling point-of-view, straightforward wish fulfilment is boring because it has no inherent conflict to create drama upon. But still, it is precisely what I like.

          Personally, I think theories 3 and 4 have the most merit, because those things seem to be the least common. But I can only speculate.

  13. I think it’s because Marie is the underdog. Seems so quiet and unassuming, and so deserving of good things happening to her. At least, I hope that good things are coming to she who has waited. 😉 And yes. I do have a VERY perverse imagination. >,>

  14. Defiantly an underdog story. She seemed sweet, kind and everything the princess is not. Now shes is hotter than the princess and already wins in personality. Now if only we could find her a man… one who loves big tits and needs someone to care for him, royalty would be a bonus…. Ahh sounds like he is knocking now. Mirror, take care of business. 😀

  15. i can’t wait for the next page

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