oh, when do we get to see Aidan’s twin cannons?!?!?!?!?! I wish to know more about this! Are they side by side? One above the other? Are both of them circumcised or only one? Which is the original and which is the one created by fairy magic? Are they the same size or is one bigger than the other? I need MORE information Jaycee!!!
double dicks are quite rare and most of the time one of them doesnt work at all.
usually its corrected by surgery as the “side dick” causes only troubles, especially during potty break.
not to mention that kids are insanely cruel if someone is different.
21 thoughts on “#39: A Miss Amiss”
And there goes her feminine charm. But then maybe Sir Dicks-a-lot likes them butch?
There’s butch and there’s WTF?!
I quite like Amazon Heather actually. Heather warrior princess has a nice ring to it. I dig it.
Also, the Duke deserves a “Captain obvious” for that last comment.
Technically it would be Duke Obvious
Didn’t I request “Busty Amazon” a few weeks ago?
Now that’s fan service!
Somehow this is disturbing, as I have an aunt and a couple of friends called Heather…
Wow, I just Heather’s facepalm in the last panel! Too cute!
oh, when do we get to see Aidan’s twin cannons?!?!?!?!?! I wish to know more about this! Are they side by side? One above the other? Are both of them circumcised or only one? Which is the original and which is the one created by fairy magic? Are they the same size or is one bigger than the other? I need MORE information Jaycee!!!
It’s happened IRL occasionally, they tend to both be short. Not sure about Fae pranks though.
double dicks are quite rare and most of the time one of them doesnt work at all.
usually its corrected by surgery as the “side dick” causes only troubles, especially during potty break.
not to mention that kids are insanely cruel if someone is different.
I looked it up in wikipedia. check the link that should appear as my nick.
Wow. I just don’t know how to respond to this, now. I guess it should be: No. Yes. Keep guessing. No difference. Same size. 🙂
Haha. Her facepalm in the last panel is pretty hilarious. 🙂
really duke i tought her getting buffed in mere seconds was a regular occurence
In the Duke’s defense, it’s almost normal in account of everything since the wishing well.
well, at least her tits got bigger too
Hell yeah Amazon Heather please keep her in that mode a bit longer.
DO we get to see wht happened to the nice maid next week?
Yes, you do!
I like that maid, I hope she gets a happy ending.
In more ways than one.